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I walked up to the big old boarding house, it was familiar I had defiantly been here before, maybe with my mother when I was young. Defiantly not in recent years. It had been modernised from the images I had in my head. I walked into the boarding house like I was meant to be there to avoid being asked questions. A few of the students looked at me funny but I kept my chin high as mother taught me. 'Appear confident and you will look like you belong'. After a long time on the move you get pretty good at appearing to belong. 

"Are you lost? You must be the new girl." A tall brunette greeted me with a welcoming smile. I smiled back. "Yes I'm looking for the principle? Am I in the right place?" I asked in an innocent voice. "Yeah, I'll take you to her. I'm Josie by the way." "Lovely to meet you." I said with a smile shaking her hand. I skipped the formality on sharing my name with her incase she had known this 'new girl' as someone different. 

We lead be to the office door on the ground floor and knocked before we was asked to come in. "Mum, the new girl just arrived." She says softly. "Nice to meet you and I'll see you around campus." She said hugging me and leaving me. "Please take a seat." 


I watched her as she sat down and pushed her silky black long hair off her face revealing her piercing blue eyes. I looked into them and there was a glint of something. Something I recognised. She looked young and innocent only around 15 16 maybe. Very young. "Welcome to the School Chloe." She shifted in her seat uncomfortably. "I'm an honest person. So I'm going to be honest with you." She said bluntly. "I'm not Chloe, I don't have a clue who she is." She spoke softly and respectfully one that was mimicked by my 1000 year old friends and thats when the alarms rang in my head. She wasn't a witch, she just told me she wasn't Chloe. She had to be a vampire and an old one at that. Just by the way she spoke told me that. 

"I'm looking for someone and I believe you have the means to tell me where that person is." She says still so softly spoken. "And I should trust you because?" "Because I'm not a threat. I'm just a young girl looking for someone." She said vaguely." "Young how?" I asked cocking an eyebrow I wanted to know who this girl was and why she was in my school. Was she a threat to my children, to my students? I needed to know. 

"I'm Primrose. Born in 1863. Making me around 166." "Primrose? 166... So you know the Salvatore brothers." "So you do know them. I'm glad my sources were correct." "And if they weren't what would you have done?" I knew there was a dark side to her that she kept hidden from me behind that innocent smile. "Gone back and asked them to recheck their work... Until I found Him." "Him who? Which Him do you want to find?" "Damon... I need to talk to Damon Salvatore." Damon... He has many enemies and me just bring this girl to him no matter how innocent she was doesn't sit well with me. 

"Why should I trust you?" "Because I'm here asking for your help over demanding for it. You say no. I'll walk a way and find another way to get in Contact with My f- With Damon." She stumbled slightly. "Your what?" She sighed. 

"If I tell you, you don't tell Damon, mother said he was a little edgy after he turned." "I won't tell him if your intentions are pure." I reason with her and she nodded agreeing. "Damon is my father... I was born in 1863 a year before he turned... My mother was a servant at the Salvatore house and they fell in love. And they had me... Grandfather wasn't best of pleased and mother fled with me to assure my safety." She said it seemed hard for her to talk about but she kept the pleasant face on and a confident look. "So Damon had a kid?" She nodded slowly. "But he believes I died, long ago..." "But you didn't?" She shakes her head. "I just really need to find Damon. It's important. And I would like to be the one who told him his daughter was alive. So I'd ask again you didn't tell him who I was. Not even my name... Just tell him his whereabouts. I don't want to hurt him I need his help." She said and something made me believe her but of course I wasn't going to fall for that.

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