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Luckily Stefan got the ice and the blood bags were fine, each of us having one for breakfast in the car. I sat in the back with Primrose this time. But Damon kept looking back. Prim watch the scenery go passed like it was a movie. "Damon?" She said breaking the silence in the car. I looked up from my phone. No one had spoken since we left the motel earlier today.  "Primrose." Damon said back in the same questioning tone his daughter used. "Why do you have a blood bag for a wife?" Wasn't expecting that to come out of her mouth. "She was a vampire... but she took the cure." I explained before Damon could snarl at her.  "The cure?" She questioned. "It reverses the effects of dying with vampire blood in your system." Stefan explains "But you get to live." I added "Thats a thing. You could be rid of the curse?" She said shocked. "I for one think it's a blessing." Damon said cockily. But I knew he missed being human. "How could it be a blessing when the one thing you was put on the earth to do you can no longer." She said innocently. "Which is?" Damon asked being his ass of a self with his attitude. "Well you know... reproducing." "Well I did my part." He said smugly. Her head was still in a different century women were here for more than baby making.  "And then you left." She said under her breath but the whole car heard due to the vamp hearing and all.

"So is she nice? Elena I mean?" She asked looking at the back of Damon's head not out the window like she previously had been. "I married her." Damon said flatly and I rolled my eyes. "Elena is a doctor... she's caring and sweet." I say. "And she's a really good friend." I added "Besides the constant need to be saved." Stefan said as a joke gaining him a hit from Damon in the arm. The car went quiet again. 

"Mother said you were kind... And loving but you seem so... so cold. What happened?" She asked looking back out the window. Damon turned around in his seat to look at her. I think he was shocked she dared speak to him that way. No one speaks to Damon that why minus Elena but she's his wife so he has to put up with it.  "What do you know about Cold you've been asleep for a century." He said. "Theres that compassion mother always spoke about." She said sarcastically.

 Listening the two go back and forth with sarcastic comments was fascinating. Damon finally met his match. "He lost you... thats when he turned into a real ass." Stefan said bluntly. "You never had me to lose me." Primrose said softly. But it was to attack Damon completely. 

"Look! I tried to protect you." "A lot of good that did!" She shouted back the same volume as Damon. She didn't back down to him, it was surprising to me. "What do you want me to say Primrose?" He asked her fully looking at her. "That you're sorry. That you regret it!" She said sadly in a final attempt to get some form of compassion from her father. "I'm not sorry and I do not regret letting you and your mum leave." He said meaning every word. "You're an ass." She said leaning back in her chair and looking out of the window. She looked defeated. "And you're a child. There are things you do not know." He said turning back around. The two pouted the exact same way both crossing their arms across their chests. 

"How about we pull over for a snack." I say. Stefan pulled into a near by town and we walked around. "Let's get you some clothes... get you out of that uniform." I say pulling them all into the small shop that sold one of a kind clothing. We looked at all the racks and I pulled out some options. "Do people not like to cover up these days?" She questioned looking at a short dress that would have shown a lot of skin.

"Here, try this." Damon said holding out a white dress with a yellow floral design. She eyed him up suspiciously. "You loved stuff like this." He encouraged her to take it. "Why don't you try it on?" I say and she agreed, following a worker to the back of the store.

"Why does she always look to you for acceptance?" Damon asked annoyed. "Maybe it's because I didn't tell her I was glad I left her." I say in a hushed tone. He rolled his eyes.  "You have a beautiful daughter sir... May I suggest this headband to go with the dress." She said holding out a yellow silk headband. Damon studied her. "Oh sh-" He cut himself off. "Thank you." He said forgetting that he was about to denied his daughter. "I'll go give it to her." I say taking it with a smile.

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