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I read the book the whole way to town. It was a good thing to focus on. I didn't hear the other cars going passed, or the cows in the distance. Or the quailing of the couples we passed bye. It was me and Lady Macbeth, thats all I was focused on. 

"We're here." Caroline said. I climbed out the car. "Trust me to have a nerd for a kid." Damon said taking the book from me and tossed it in the car. I could tell he was only teasing from his playful smirk. I narrowed my eyes at him and shoved him walking away. He closed the door for us and we went into the diner. 

"Ahh the Salvatore's... Lovely family you have." The officer said. "I thought her mother was dead?" "That was a question." I said narrowing my eyes at him. "Lovely family." He said back and we took our seats at the booth. "What was that about?" "He was lurking in the woods earlier, decided to teach her how to compel people." Damon said covering for us. "You have to be careful okay." "I know. I know." I say not wanting another lecture. 

"How does Pancakes sound?" Stefan asked me. I nodded. I knew what one of those were. They weren't very popular back when I was around but I heard they were nice. Damon and Bonnie seemed to laugh with each other. "What?" I questioned.

"When we were in the prison world." "Prison world?" "Think of it as another dimension." "Dimension?" "Another world not in this one." He explained and I nodded. I needed to brush up on my history. "Damon mind pancakes every day for us." "Well everything else was the same." He defended. "You all were there." "No just me and Bon." I nodded. "And Kai." "Parker." I say. And they all frowned at me. "Kai Parker..." I repeated fully. "How do you know that name?" Stefan asked me. "He was in my dreams some times... He ate out of these bags." "Pork Rinds." Something like that. "He was odd... The type of man your parents tell you to stay away from... but he was funny." "You were there?" "There?" I said unsure. "The eclipse?" Bonnie asked. "The dark sun? How do you know what happened in my dreams? Are you psychic?" I asked her in a hushed voice. "She was there." 

"One time I found a burning tree in this place full of cars." Bonnies face fell flat. "You were there when I was their alone." "No one was in my dreams just Kai." I tell her, sure of it. "I was so close to you and I didn't even know it." Damon said quietly. "Where was your mother?" I shrugged. "I'm not too sure... she was never in my dreams..." "And when did the dreams stop?" Caroline asked. "When she woke up duh." Damon said rolling his eyes. "I found this thingy and then this thing was running at me." "What thing?" I shrugged. "A thing." I repeated. "Excuse me miss?" Stefan said to the waitress. "Do you have a piece of paper and a pen?" She nodded ripping a page from her little book. Stefan handed it to me. "Draw the thing." He said. 

I held the pen in my hand. Much different to the ink wells we had. I drew whilst they ordered the food. I tried to go back to a few weeks ago when I had the dream. The images flashed in my head. I finished drawing a detailed replica of the 'thing' that tried to get me. 

"Here." I said handing it over. Stefan frowned and then Caroline took it and she frowned also. Bonnie had it next. The Damon snatched it. His face looked horrified. 


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