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I didn't sleep at all last night. I finished the book Stefan gave me and then I sat in the bathroom for a while. It helps with the gross old people sex that was happening next door between Viv and Wesley. It wasn't fun. 

I then left and walked around town alone. I grabbed a snack and breakfast for everyone Damon gave me a lecture about going off on my own and I rolled my eyes which earned me another lecture. "I was good. I did what you said and I didn't kill anyone." "you taught her how to feed!" Caroline said she was pissed. "Um... Technically she knew how to. I taught her how to do it well." Damon said with a smirk looking at me. "We're in trouble." "No you're in trouble." Caroline corrected him. "Me!" "I told you not to let her feed off people! It could have been dangerous Damon!" "She's my daughter! I decide what is dangerous for her!" "Oh she's your daughter now? Not when you left her when she was 6 years old! Crying and begging you to stay huh?" I wish I never told her everything that went down that day. "You don't get to talk to him like that." Primrose said. "He didn't leave! He was there. I get to be an ass to him because he's my dad. You don't get to be an ass to him!" I held her waist to stop her from going after Caroline. "He taught me something be proud of him." She spat out. 

She scanned the room. "You're all waiting for him to mess up. Like thats what he does." "He does." Prim shock her head and laughed in amusement. "If it wasn't for him! You'd all be dead 10 times over and you know it. Just because he makes you believe-"It's okay." Elena tells her and she stops pulling at me. "No ones attacking him." Elena assured her looking over her shoulder I saw her face in the mirror and she was giving them a warning look. "They care about you and they don't want you getting in trouble. Caroline's not mad, she's just scared." Elena explained trying to not upset her anymore. "Well she's not my mum she doesn't have to be scared or worried about me. I can look after myself." And she was gone out the door. 

"You all back off." Elena warned. "I'm going to go check on her." I excuse myself. She was sat by the wheel of the car leant against it. She was throwing little pebbles in front of her. She needed space. Yeah... she needed space. I stay by our door and listen to the mess going on inside. "He's trying! So let him." "She could have killed someone!" Caroline snapped. "You think he'd let her do that?" Elena said annoyance clear in her tone. "He would have been right there if anything went wrong and you know it! He sits up all night making sure she's okay!" "She could have killed someone! If she wanted to drain them Damon wasn't going to stop her!" "He would have fixed it! He would have gotten rid of the body and taken responsibility for it." "Damon doesn't know how to fix things he makes things into bigger problems." I watched a stone fly from Prim's hand to the window and broke it. "Ow." Stefan said. Good aim. I hide my amused smile and scold her with my eyes. She shrugged. and had an unbothered look. "Primrose!" Stefan said and she simply threw another at him. 

"My bad... My dad didn't stick around to teach me how to play catch." And she threw another. "He ruins things." And another. The strength in which she threw them at were increasing. "Primrose enough." I said amused. And smirked at me. I subtly high fives her as she came over. "Play nice. I can handle myself." I warn her. "Apologies." I say. "I'm sorry from throwing stones at you. I'm sorry for losing my temper at you and I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable." She said going from Stefan to Caroline to Bonnie. "Thank you for calming me down." She said to Elena. 

"And thank you for the keys to your car." She said backing up before sprinting the Stefans car and drove off. "My phones in the car call it." Elena says and I called her phone as we piled into Elena's car. Elena stayed at the Motel waiting for more information.

"You're in trouble." I say when she answered the phone. "Just go home okay... I'll be oaky." "You're insane if you think you're going in there alone." "I need to do this." "No. no!" I say. "Pull over." "I don't know how! I don't know how to get you off the phone." She said frustrated. I looked at Stefan. "You don't." I tell her. "Funny." She said back. "She's there." Stef says, we were close to her. "Pull over Primrose, please." I asked her again. "I'm not letting you go on a suicide mission." "I'm not letting you go on. one! Pull the damn car over!" She of course didn't listen and kept driving at a pace, we had to keep up with her. 

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