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I could hear them all in the other room coming up with a new plan going through spells and other rituals to try and get my mother out. Alls we needed is will power and hope and everything else would be fine. Thats what mum always said. 

Whilst they were forming a new plan. I was forming my own. The ascendant is a power source, it generates and uses a lot of power. I screamed last time and that got me back to this... dimension waking me from my slumber. I simply needed to do that again. But this time with the door. Once mum was outside we can leave and get away and everything in the world can go back to the way it once was. 

I refused to let Bonnie stay with me tonight. My plan required me to leave in the middle of the night so I couldn't have her waking up or watching me all night that would ruin it all. Salam leaves in the day most days according to mum. So I'm going to go there tonight, get on the roof go from the top down. When they leave in the morning I'll have time to get my mum out and it will all be okay.


I heard them talking. I knew they knew someone had been here and now they were setting alarms on the front doors. Alls I could do was pray Damon kept my sweet girl away. She was too innocent for this world. Too trusting and kind. She couldn't handle it. She has a temper and can fight but these people are pure evil and she's just pure. 

Soft. sweet, loving caring nothing about her is bad minus her sass and temper but her intentions are always good. She was never meant of this life. Seeing her today it made my heart explode with joy and the way she spoke about all she had learnt she sound excited and happy despite being worried about me. Also the fact that Damon was helping her adjust something I didn't get to do. He was teaching her all the things I wish I had time to teach her before we had to sleep to keep ourselves safe.

Damon was a good man. I've heard many stories about him in recent years of him being evil. And vindictive and shameful but he seemed like the Damon I fell in love with just with a few more walls up. 

It made me feel so much more peaceful knowing Damon moved on and he had a wife. It will mean Primrose will have a family, a step-mother to take care of her show her the lady thing to do and Damon her true father stepping up and teaching her about the modern world that changed so fast whilst she was tucked away in a safe place. She seemed to be getting a grip of things. Fashion wise she defiantly had caught up. I do miss seeing her in her dress with her hair tied back in a lovely ribbon all neat but still in it's natural curly state that she embraced so much despite being on of a few girls around with that hair type. 

Lord I pray you protect my child. I pray you give Damon the strength to guide her, protect her and love her through all her future trials in life. Please Lord, save her soul.


I made it onto the roof by climbing up the pipes, it was like the trees, you just had to hope you didn't fall and hold on tight. I got there just as the sun was rising and I looked up welcoming the warmth it brought to me.

I walked all the way here from he motel, so they didn't get suspicious about a car being missing it should buy me some more time. I hope so anyway. Unless Damon went to wake me up for our morning snack. But I'm mad at him so hopefully he'll skip it today.  I listened to the conversations and any movement that would give me a clue as to when it was safe for me to go inside the building and escape the cool breeze. 

I wasn't enjoying the cold. I preferred the sunny state with the pretty dresses and small stores.

I thought the roof would be the best place to hide out because they'd leave through the doors and thats when people get caught where as I'm out of the way up here and as long as I didn't jump around and throw things I wasn't going to get caught. 

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