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I laid on the bed bored out of my mind. We were at another motel. I couldn't understand why. Surely we'd be safer on the road? I could hear the heartbeats of other but I couldn't get to them because we were in a moving vehicle as were they but here. Laying on the bed I can hear next doors hearts, pulses the blood circulating their body. It was odd being able to hear everything. I could even hear their petty argument over dinner arrangements. 

"SHUT UP ALREADY!" I said covering my face with my hands. "Try not to focus on it." Caroline said like it was the easiest thing ever. It wasn't. "It's so loud!" I responded. "Just tune it out." I wanted to tune her head out of the room. Actually I didn't I enjoyed her company but she acts like the perfect vampire. "Sorry were not all perfect!" I said going into the bathroom in attempt to block some of the noise out. 

I just wanted to get my mum. I didn't want to be here with them. I wanted my mum. We're wasting time. "Hey." Damon said his head just sticking into the room. I looked at him. "Can I come in?" I nodded and he closed the door behind him. "Here." He reached over me and turned the taps of the sink on. I was confused. "Helps block noise out." He says. It did and for a moment it was quiet in my brain. The only thing I could hear was the running water hitting the dirty looking sink. I slid down the wall finally content with no noise. 

"Is it helping?" I nodded keeping my eyes closed, it was peaceful. I heard him sit beside me. "It takes time but you'll learn to adjust to all the senses." He told me, I found him speaking quieter and softly. "Caroline killed someone the first few hours she turned... You're doing better than her." He tried to make me feel better. 

"She killed someone?" He nodded. "Have you?" I asked, what type of man was he... "Yeah... to survive... you have to." I nodded understanding. "You're not freaked out?" He asked I shake my head no. "I killed someone when I was 12... I can't really judge." "When you were 12?" He asked shocked. "He tried to hurt my mum so I he had to go." I say causally. Not wanting to make it into a big deal. "I should have been there." He says, I looked at him and for a moment saw the guilt in his eyes. "We were fine, learn't how to fight for ourselves." I shrugged. I didn't want him to feel bad. I did but I didn't. I was very conflicted. 

"We're going to get to her Prim." I nodded. "Do you think she'll be alive?" I asked looking at him, he tensed up slightly. "Salman is an evil man." He began. "But your mum is strong." I smiled. "She is." I agreed with him. "Prim?" I nodded. "I don't want to hurt you when I say I'm not sorry." "It's okay." "No, my father was a horrid man, and because your mother was of a different class." "Because she was black." I say bluntly. He nodded. "He didn't want me to be in a relationship with her... He wanted to kill the two of you... I did it to protect you." He says. I believed him. 

"I needed my dad... I was scared. I watch the other girls run to their fathers in the village when soldiers stormed in and I had no one, mother was out hunting or trying to gather resources for us. I needed my dad." I admit, I never admitted it to anyone. Not even my mum. I didn't want her to know I was scared. "I wish I was there." He said. "I'm not who you need now." He tells me. "You don't know what I need Damon." I said looking away. "I know what you deserve." He said shortly. 

I didn't reply. I just looked ahead. "Could we maybe eat something?" I asked looking at him again. "I'm sure we can find a diner." "Diner?" He smiled. "Got a lot to teacher Prim." I smiled back. He helped me stand and then he turned the taps off. "Keep blocking it out." He reminded me. I nodded following him out. 

"I'm taking Prim to the diner." Damon announced to the room. "We'll come come." Stefan said. "Let me freshen up." "The bathroom is gross." I let her know. But she goes in anyway. I hear her mumble about how gross it was. I did warn her. "Scared I'm going to let her eat the whole town." "I wouldn't put it passed you." He says back. "I'm not going to let her get in trouble." "You are trouble." I roll my eyes. "What?" Stefan asked. "Just bold of you to say Trouble follows Damon when you're the one that ate a whole village." I say with shrug. "We'll be in the car." Damon said walking me out hands rested on my shoulder. 

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