thirty nine

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Stella's POV:

I woke up to the sun blinding my eyes through the gap of the curtains in the hotel room. Slowly opening my eyes, I stared towards the ceiling while thinking what was I doing here in the first place. A movement around my body suddenly halted my thinking as I finally saw the person lying beside me, who was still soundly asleep at the moment.


I smiled upon remembering about our 'activities' last night.

I blushed when thinking about parts of my body that had been touched by Harry. My hips hurt but the pleasure surely won as my face reddened. I kept thinking about it without rest.

"Mhm." I heard Harry's deep groan beside my ear.

I smiled while touching his hair, stroking it gently but nevertheless, my action only made him slowly opened his eyes in return. "Stel.." he moaned.

I gasped a bit, remembering his rough yet deep moans from last night. I bit my own lips, trying to hide my tomato-red face into his embrace which he only smirked at seconds later.

I was so embarrassed and shy all of a sudden.

He immediately chuckled at me, hugging me closer while I could only snuggle into his chest without saying anything. We stayed like that for a few moments until he suddenly planted a soft kiss onto my head. I closed my eyes, listening to his heartbeat in silence.

Harry then decided to speak out. "Are you in pain or anything?" His voice warmed my heart and I felt loved once again. To be honest, I had never felt stopped being loved by him anyway. It was such a blessing.

I flinched when I felt his hand traveled down to my hips before wincing out in pain.

"Are you?" he lifted his eyebrows, questioning.

"Just a little sore." I shyly told him in which he quickly smiled before leaning in to kiss me on the lips.

He pulled only seconds later to look directly into my eyes. "Don't worry. I'll take care of you. Besides, I'm the one who did this to you." he deepened his smirk. I felt my lips quivered in such an atmosphere, being stared at like this by Harry wasn't helping either.

He knew I was having a hard time being teased.

"S-stop it.." I hid my face into the pillow afterward. He laughed looking at my flustered action so he only hugged me again. "I'm sorry. You're just too adorable to handle."

I softly glared.

"I said stop it!" I threw him a pillow which he gladly caught proudly after that before smirking one more time to attack me with his butterfly kisses.

"Sorry, but I don't intend on stopping anytime soon." I heard him said in between our laughter.


We were now back home at Harry's house and only enjoying our companies while spending our days off together. It was almost evening and the sun was almost setting. My head was on Harry's thigh as he was stroking my hair lovingly, both watching some action movies on the tv in his living room.

"I knew he was the villain from the start!" I exclaimed while pointing towards the evil character on the tv. Harry only chuckled and played with my cheeks.

"I know right. I thought so too." he agreed with me which I only smiled later on. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Both of us were alerted by it but there were clearly genuine smiles plastered on our faces as we thought about the same thing.

"Pizza's here." we said in unison. I then plopped myself up from the couch before Harry could do so. "It's okay, I'll get it." I said and he only smiled in gratitude. "Alright. I'll go get us some cups for the drink." He added.

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