twenty one

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It's the day after and Kian had left early in the morning after making sure that the culprit wasn't really coming to my house. He even told me to block his number which I did later on. 

I sighed upon waking up and went to the living room to undraw the curtains. Daylight started creeping into space and I saw how the room lightened up in just seconds. 

My eyes eventually darted towards the rooftop of the building in front of me again.

I must see this person sooner or later.

Just as I was about to turn around to the kitchen, I heard my phone buzzed out a notification. I knew something wasn't right anymore when I saw the awful words on my screen.

The private number again.

It's him.

It read "Good morning, Stella. I couldn't come to your house last night and it was all because of the little friend of yours. I'm pretty sure Harry wouldn't be so please seeing another guy at your home without his knowing, right? What if I told him about it?" 

My frown grew deeper as I tried to comprehend everything. Did he just try to blackmail me now?

I've blocked him yesterday. Was it not working?!

Another text came in. 

"And if you're thinking about blocking me again, don't be surprised if your life becomes miserable after this. I'm warning you, Stella. You are mine and mine only.

I gasped at the sudden realization upon reading the last sentence. 

Those last words were so awfully familiar.

"Could it be.." my hands trembled in fear thinking about the person whom now I could actually imagine his physique and visual. My mind turned hazier as the dark scenes of my past experience began entering it, manipulating my feelings all at once. 

"...Collins?" I blurted out his name in utter disgusts. 

"No, it shouldn't be, right? I'm still dreaming." I panicked.

With that, I didn't think twice anymore but scroll his number and make a call. It should be him but would he pick up? The dial tone went on for a while clearly showing no signs of it being picked up and I was definitely feeling anxious than ever now. 

Sweats started forming on my forehead and my hands trembling to stay put of how I was holding my phone and another fidgeting with the hems of my white shirt.

He wouldn't, would he-


He picked up. 

"..." I was speechless as well. How could he make himself so exposed by answering my call? 

"You.." I plucked up the courage to say something first. Even though deep inside me, I was scared as hell. What was I doing anyway? This was purely dangerous yet I was making this move by myself without Carol or Jerry by my side.

"..." I gulped and heard only silence from the other line. I took a deep breath before trying to speak again but a voice beat me to it.

"Hello, Stella. I told you I would find you." 

His deep voice caught me off-guard. 

That voice..

My lips quivered feeling the nervousness crawling underneath my skin.

"Collins?" I bit onto my lower lip as hard as I could. I managed to hear him smirking at me in a playful manner.

"Surprise, Stella baby. It's definitely me." he announced in a devilish manner.

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