thirty one

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sorry for ruining your day with the last chapter but i just had to, ya know, i love you guys tho and you know that right =D .. keep voting and leaving me your feedbacks! they really motivate me to keep going!


So, Collins got sent to prison after what he did to us. We have enough proof to keep him in there.

Of course everyone already knows what had happened.

I looked at myself into the mirror, eyes still red from crying. It's been a few days after that unfortunate night but the look of Harry as he was laying on my lap while gasping heavily for oxygen still gives me nightmares every single night.

I looked down to my hand, grasping the corners of the makeup desk.

Even with this makeup on, I still can't hide my sadness. I'm already see-through at the moment, people can see my emotions clearly just by looking.

How sad my life had turned into..

The music is blasting out loud into the room from the stage. A crew member and Carol finally came up to me.

"Stella," Carol put a hand onto my left shoulder.

"it's time for the encore." she quietly squeezed her grasp. I just took a short break backstage as other artists are performing at the moment. I slowly flashed her my smile and nodded.

"Okay." I replied. The crew sadly smiled as well before handing me my mic.

"Stay strong, Stella. We all got your back." he managed to say as I smiled thankfully and took the mic from him.

"Thank you."

So we walked through the hallway and as I finally reached the stage, I could only sigh seeing my friends, Kian and JC and a few other close acquaintances at the VIP section but not..Harry.

He wasn't here tonight.

He couldn't be here.

He just won't be.

I took the guitar and went under the strap before slowly strumming for warm ups. Flashing my smile, the fans knew my current situation. I was not lying when I say that I really feel like crying my eyes out at that time.

Nevertheless, I set the mic onto the mic stand and saw my friends are throwing their waves at me. I waved them back before turning towards the fans again.

"I hope you're having fun tonight and I'm sorry if I'm not being at my best. I hope I didn't disappoint all of you up until now." I finally spoke.

They cheered instead and my heart warmed up.

"You must've known what had happened recently." I smiled sadly but still kept my composure. No, I won't cry.

I saw the empty seat beside Kian and it was actually reserved for Harry, even though we all knew he won't be able to make it.

I saw the crowd nodding sadly. "This next song, I had written it when I was in the hospital on that night." I looked down.

"It's very personal but,"

I bit back my lower lips to stop myself from getting more emotional.

"I just want the world to know how much he had helped and changed me to be a better person that I am today." I chuckled a little. They returned it but only for a mere seconds as they were also getting emotional at the whole situation. They knew exactly who I was talking about.

"Don't tell him about this song though, yeah? It's gonna be our own little secret." I widened my smile to ease myself and lift up the tense atmosphere. They were amused though and it breaks my heart to get through this phase but I have to, whether I like it or not.

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