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"Well you look calm, for once ever since we meet each other the last time." he spoke.

I huffed out a breath but a soft scoff came out instead. "I knew you would be looking for me."

I saw his jaw clenched.

"I told you to leave me alone, didn't I? Why can't you listen to me?" I glared.

He looked down sadly.

"I can't live without you, Stella. Please."

I couldn't really say anything to that honestly. I know he wouldn't give in to this.

"Collins. What should I say in order for you to give up on me?" I frowned while slowly looking at him. He walked closer. "Nothing. Nothing can make me give up on you."

My heart ached and felt furious than ever. I know the only thing that would mad him go mad. With a heavy heart, my lips formed into a smirk.

A very sly smirk.

"I don't love you, Collins. I'm in love with someone else. I love Har-"

"Don't fucking say his name." he gazed up at me in pure annoyance.

"Or else what? You need to stop this. I'm done playing nice with you. I'll make sure to get you over with. You're in my way now, Collins. You're fucking up my life where I'm supposed to be happy at the moment." I turned into someone I had never been before.

He frowned as he saw how mean I was being towards him.

"Drop the shitty attitude, Stella. You're not that kind of person." he stated and that only made me scoffed more in amusement.

"I'm very amused. Now you're going to tell me that you actually know the real me?!" I paused as he gritted his teeth, trying so hard not to run to me and do whatever he was capable of.

"I said drop it." he warned but I ain't going to be scared of him anymore.

I'm tired and so done with him.

"No, I'm done listening to you." I stood firm in my ground. As he was about to talk back, the door to the room is opened and revealed Harry in his casual clothes, looking at me and Collins back and forth.

"Stel." he called and immediately pushed me behind his back protectively. My heart instantly warmed up at the sight. He had never shown me his such protective side before.

"What the hell are you doing here, Collins? You've done enough harm to my girl. I'll make sure you pay for what you had done to her before this." he growled.

"Shut up, Styles. She's mine and never yours. Get away from her. You don't deserve her!" his eyes and voice suddenly feel with rage when he sensed Harry was touching me.

I looked up to Harry as he tensed hearing the provoking.

"You dare to come in here uninvited and now you're telling me walk away? Not a damn chance, Collins. Not gonna happen. I'll make sure you go straight into the jail tonight."

"Don't provoke me." at the mention of the word 'jail', Collins suddenly laughed and grabbed his hair out of nowhere. He grinned wider and punching everything near him like a crazy person.

"Don't fucking provoke me!" he shouted.

I widened my eyes at the sight.

"He's gone crazy, just like...that night." I muttered under my breath but I'm pretty sure Harry heard that as he turned to me for a brief second. He got the idea that the situation is gonna be bad in a moment.

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