chapter twelve

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Harry drove me back home safely last night and I couldn't help but to blush like mad when I recalled at how we kept eyeing each other's lips for a good few seconds until a phone call interrupted our moment.

I thanked the lord at that however because it was hella confusing for me as to why he was acting like so towards me.

I didn't know that I was holding my breath thinking about it until a singing voice interrupted me from behind.

"Daydreaming much, Miss Lancaster?" It was Carol with her cheeky grin proudly lingering on her face.

I rolled my eyes before shaking my head.

"Nothing. I was just thinking about where to continue with these lyrics." I told her instead.

She took a look at the notebook in my hand as she scanned the words one by one.

"Interesting. Are you gonna release this?" She asked and sat back onto the couch while sipping her drink.

I took a deep breath before shaking my head.

"I don't know yet but it's almost finished."

She nodded in understanding.

"By the way, what's my schedule for today?" I asked.

She immediately took the notebook from the table and motioned me to wait.

"Alright so, today you just have a radio interview at 5 pm and that's it. Tomorrow you got tons to do so you better rest well today." She said. I beamed and slowly sank in my seat.

"I can finally chill for a bit this time."

I tossed my lyrics book away and was now fully lying down.

Just then, Carol's phone rang indicating that someone was calling her. She quickly picked it up and offered her professional greetings like always.

"Carol." She said.

I was too lazy to peek at her so I kept my eyes closed but was still listening to the conversation.

"Kian and JC? Oh the youtube guys?" I heard her talking.

Kian and JC?

I watched their videos once in a while before. What could they possibly want?

"Next week? I'll check her schedule first and I will inform you through text is that okay?"

I finally opened my eyes and looked at her.

"Alright, you're welcome, bye." She ended it.

"Who was that?" I instantly asked as I was curious like always.

She smiled and put down the phone away.

"Alright so there's some youtubers who want you in their video and the filming would be next week at their house. Do you want to go and film with them? It's Kian and JC by the way." She explained.

My lips curled up into a smile.

"Yeah sure thing. I've watched their videos before and it should be fun." I told her so she quickly nodded her head.

"Alright then, I'll discuss about the details and you are going to their house on Wednesday next week." She said while checking her notebook for the schedule.

"Cool. By the way, what about the Gucci meeting?"

She blinked before widening her eyes.

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