chapter six

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Stella's POV:

I just finished with rehearsing my vocals at the studio and now I was heading home.

As soon as I got there, a tear started rolling down my cheek and I turned flabbergasted.

"I need to stop thinking about it already." I told myself in particular while wiping it away. I sniffed and went to the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror.

I looked horrible.

My eyes were red and so were the nose and cheeks.

I shook my head at myself before washing my face and lying down on the bed afterwards.

"Stella?" Carol popped inside from the door.

I looked up a bit and saw her smiling.

"Harry's here to see you." was what she said. I frowned immediately.


Carol snickered.

"Harry as in Harry Styles is here to see you." She widened the open door and I immediately stood up on my feet to walk towards her.

"You're joking, right? There's no way he would be here in my house." I tried to calm myself down obviously.

Carol led the way to the living room.

"See for yourself, Stel."

With that, I saw a male figure dressed in all black standing near my couch. He was engrossed in looking at my pictures hanging on the wall.

After hearing my presence, he immediately turned around to meet my gaze. My heart skipped a beat after seeing Harry here in front of me. His hair was in perfect quiff and his slender fingers were running through them from time to time. His eyes were still sparkling like usual as well.

"Harry?" I spoke in disbelief.

"What are you doing here?" I blurted out without thinking twice as I was quite shocked actually.

He somehow smiled in relief after seeing my face.

"Hello, Stella."

Carol took the cue to leave the house in a sudden and without my permission.

"So, I have to go now because there's a few people that I have to meet but i'll be back before midnight, okay?" She grinned before skipping towards the exit.

I gawked at her.

It was already 7 pm. That means Harry would stuck with me for a few hours.

"Wait, you're leaving now?" I tried stopping her but it was no use because it's Carol for god's sake.

"Yeah, it's urgent so bye and have fun!" She finally said and shut the door behind her.

My brain was still processing on what had just happened. She really did leave me alone with Harry here.

I heard someone cleared his throat and it turned out none other than Harry himself.

I slowly looked up at him and flashed a small smile.

"Sorry, it was just kind of surprising to see you here." I admitted truthfully.

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