chapter seventeen

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Stella's POV:

I was hanging out with Kian, JC and his
girlfriend and also Harrison at a cafe in LA. We were having breakfast together at the outdoor seats, simply enjoying our free time together.

"Damn, your showcase last night was amazing. I love how you change those notes in FWU." Kian said while I was drinking my juice.

"Thanks, Kian. I'm really glad that you guys can come last night though. Really appreciate it." I chuckled.

Harrison shrugged.

"Hey, that's what friends are for. We support each other, right mate?" He grinned towards JC who nodded in agreement.

"Absolutely. By the way Stella, when is the Met Gala?"

"Oh, it's tomorrow." I replied and they suddenly awed me.

"So are you gonna go there with Harry?" Kian asked curiously.

I raised my eyebrows at him, feeling flustered all of a sudden. "Wait, what?"

They grinned more than before as I was feeling speechless at the whole situation.

"You guys knew about this?" I asked again.

They looked at each other knowingly.

"Duh, Stella. We saw how you eyed each other last night. Don't even lie to us now, we're your friends, aren't we?" JC said but Kian managed to add something else.

"Yeah and besides, we even caught you and him being in the same room right after the show. There was no way it could be a coincidence. I mean he definitely left the VIP section to see you." Kian chuckled.

I sighed before hiding my embarrassed face.

"I hate you all." I murmured while they were laughing at my terrible way of trying to hide things.

"Aww, you two would absolutely make the cutest couple in the history of celebrity world." Kian exaggerated and I cringed at those words.

"Ew, you sound like a 5 year old!" I playfully smacked his arms and he pouted in a joking manner which made me laughed afterwards.

"But seriously though, Stella, you like him don't you?" Harrison butted in this time. Right then, all eyes were on me, desperately waiting for my honest answer.

I bit my lower lip as I looked at them one by one.

"He's my celebrity crush. We're friends now and.. of course I couldn't help but like him." I confessed.

They awed me again and their actions and cringe gestures only made me rolled my eyes.

"Aww, she likes him!"

If only they knew the truth.

"Shut up, guys." I continued to eat while hiding my now red cheeks. I was being so shy at the conversation about Harry. They definitely knew everything already.

I didn't want to tell them more about us yet as this don't seem to be the right time but yeah, we'll just go with the flow.

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