twenty six

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warning: 18+


Stella's POV:

I woke up to the sound of someone silently talking and that my right hand felt wet.

Slowly opening my eyes, I saw Harry closing his eyes while holding onto my hand, murmuring some words that could help to make me wake up from my unconscious state.

"Please be okay. Please wake up, Stel." he sniffed in silence. His soft pleadings were all that I could hear at the moment and I looked around tiredly, noticing that I was actually already at the hospital.

I turned to the crying male figure beside me again.

He was looking very sad and there were even eye bags underneath his eyes.

I proceeded to slowly remove my oxygen mask with my other hand before I could touch his face, slightly surprising him. As his eyes met mine, I could clearly see his tired red puffy eyes but yet he still smiled genuinely at me for waking up.

"Baby, you're up!" another single tear escaped from his eye even though he felt glad at the moment. By that view, my heart ached.

I had everything wrong about him.

How could I say him being selfish before? How could I say that? He doesn't deserve someone like me. He's a pure angel. I felt really bad.

"Oh my god, you're okay. Thank god." he tried to comfort himself by looking at my face and couldn't stop smiling wide.

I was the one that is selfish.

"Where's Carol?" I asked as his smile faded. "She went out to get some food."

I slowly raised myself to sit upright while he helped a bit, his touch was careful when handling my body.

"A-are you.." he trailed as he looked up at me with a hurt expression.

No, he was devastated.

"..still mad at me?"

And I won't make that same mistake again. Just like how he's doing at the moment as well. His lips quivered before looking down and held my hand in his again. "I'm sorry. I'll do anything for you to take me back. Please, I love you so much, Stel."


He shook his head. "Please don't tell me to leave again. I'm not gonna do that-"


"No! Listen to me, please. I'm so sorry, Stel. It is all my fault. I did this to us. Please,.. don't tell me to leave. I want to be here with you."

I turned quiet.

"I want.. to be here with you. Please." he pleaded in full sadness.

A tear had also fallen from my own eye. Harry was still crying against my hand.

"This is why everyone told me to leave their life. It's because I'd always refused to listen when I get mad. That was why they left. I would always ruin everything." he sadly spoke. I knew exactly what he was talking about.

His exes.

He definitely got the problem of refusing to listen when he got angry or into an argument. Now I know the truth behind it.

"I wasn't patient enough and I'm sorry. I'm really trying to fix myself." he kept on apologizing again. So, I had enough.

Slowly yet carefully, my other hand came in contact with his head, softly caressing it. That only made Harry perked his head up in astonishment. "Stel, I-" he was about to apologize again but I stopped him with a smile.

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