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A/N: If you are wondering, no the girl didn't die in the last chapter. It was Collins.


A year later.

"Yeah, I've already arrived here. Okay, I'll see you later." I pulled the phone away from my ear before frowning. 

"So, is Harry really not coming?" Carol spoke beside me at the passenger side of the car. I huffed out a breath and kept my phone in my bag, shaking my head as a reply. "Just forget him." I blurted out in annoyance and it only made Carol instantly shut her mouth closed, not daring to question anymore.

"Let's go." I said before taking the bouquet of flowers with me and we went out of the car, walking towards the headed destination. We walked past some graves and finally stopped after going through some rows of them. 

My anger slowly vanished as I finally found Collins' gravestone in sight. In fact, something deep within me had softened. It was as if I hadn't even been annoyed earlier. I lowered the flowers in my grip and placed them neatly against his name. Carol was also touching the flowers and looked at his name beside me after we had crouched down, silently thinking about the unfaithful incident that occurred just last year.

It felt weird. 

I swore I felt it happened just a few moments ago yet a year already had gone by. 

"Are you resting well, Collins?" I smiled after saying his name. Carol was also chuckling softly. 

"Harry's kind of ignoring me these past few days though. Even my own best friend, Kendall, is too." I bit my lower lip to contain my sadness. Carol then touched my shoulder, catching my attention at once. She showed me her phone and said that she had to go and pick it up so I only nodded my head.

Now, I was left alone with Collins. 

Or maybe it was just only me. 

"I don't even know if you can hear me, Collins. I'm just.." I paused myself just to look down in despair. "...I just feel left out. I feel lonely." I continued. A breeze of cold wind hit my body as it blew my hair to the right side. 

I touched the flowers again. 

I thought hard about it and finally smiled again. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't talk to you about this kind of things. You wanted Harry and I to be happy, right? But..." my smile disappeared. "..I don't know if we can even last long anymore." I gulped the lump in my throat, thinking about all the possibilities on how this would literally be the end for both of us. 

I hated this feeling. It certainly disgusts me. 

"Stel, maybe you should see this." my thoughts were then interrupted by Carol coming closer from behind. I stood up before looking at her worried eyes. "What's wrong? Did something happen?" 

She gulped hard before shaking his head. "Just look at this." her voice turned quieter. 

With that, she showed me her phone and I took it before reading the captions. It was a private message from a reporter and there was a picture of Harry and Kendall, together in a building. They were obviously happily talking to each other without even realizing that someone was spying on them. 

This happens a lot since all reports would go through my assistant first to get a clear explanation before anything could be released publicly. I was sincerely thankful for them not releasing it yet but still, I needed to respond to this picture.

Nevertheless, my deep frown came back and I pushed the phone back to Carol. "Why are they together? Where's that building?" I fired her with direct questions. 

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