twenty eight

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Warning: 18+

Stella's pov:
I woke up in the middle of the night while Harry sighed as his attention at the moment was towards the tv.

"Harry?" I called and his attention immediately averted towards me. "Stel, are you alright?"

"Did I just passed out again?" I squinted ny eyes at the dimmed light. Harry held my hand and nodded. "Yeah, you did. Apparently, your panic attack was draining your last few energy so that was why you passed out." He explained.

I slowly heaved out a shaky breath but turn alarmed when I heard shuffling sounds coming from the door. There was someone outside.

"Stel, relax. It's just Carol and Jerry outside." Just as he said that, Carol opened the door and came inside to hug me. I could finally relaxed again at the sight.

"I'm sorry for what had happened to you. I figured that Jerry won't be needed here as we already have the hospital securities." She apologized. I smiled before shaking my head.

"It's alright. I understand it."

She shook her head at me before proceeding to call Jerry inside as well.

"He'll be here at all time after this to guard you from outside, alright? You can sleep peacefully tonight. Don't worry, we'll make sure Collins can't come in here. We'll send you home together tomorrow." She spoke but with a hint of wariness in her voice. She was worried and scared too.

I nodded afterwards. "Thank you. I really appreciate it."

Jerry smiled sadly. "Don't worry. It's our job to take care of you."

"You should rest now, Stella. Goodnight." Carol hugged me one last time.

I sighed before Harry stole my attention again.

"It's getting late. You should head back to bed." He said as Carol and Jerry left us once again. I paused before hesitating to go to sleep. I felt terrible mentally and the scene earlier was pretty much disturbing to think about again.

"Hey." I heard Harry sensed my fear.

He flashed me a small smile before climbing up onto the bed and carefully laid down next to me. Just before he could embrace me, I did it first, sending the signal of me needing him to protect and saying that everything will be alright again.

He rolled to the side and pulled me into his strong arms. My face is buried in his chest. His cologne automatically captivated me as the scent entered my nose.

"Baby, it's alright. I'm here with you. Don't be scared, okay?"

I nodded slightly, the vibrations of his voice against his chest sending calmness to my soul.

"How did he know, Harry? He told me that he heard everything. How could he do that, Harry?" I spoke in wonder yet still very confused as to how Collins knew every single little thing.

Harry could only shake his head, feeling frustrated as well. "I don't know, Stel." He replied and his hands caressed my hair before he paused as he touched the back of my neck, fiddling with something hanging around it.

Suddenly, he pulled away to look at me with a frown.

"What?" I questioned, puzzled by his action.

He suddenly noticed something odd at the silver diamond charm of my necklace. He knew that I was wearing it every single day so why would he behave like so?

"I wear this-"

He suddenly put a finger over his mouth to tell me to be quiet. Slowly yet carefully, he flipped my hair to the side and examined the necklace. I could only stare at him in so much curiosity.

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