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The roses in Harry's hold were slowly being put down beside the coffin. They were beautiful and fresh looking as they got put together with other kinds of flowers. It was beautiful, very beautiful.

With his head down, Harry slowly went back to his seat, together with other people in the church after paying his last respect to the dead. A soft yet shaky sigh escaped his lips. Indeed he was feeling rather down by the whole situation.

"You okay, Harry?" he heard Carol said beside him while he only nodded his head, signalling that he was still doing fine. Yet, he obviously wasn't at all. "This is a lot to take in, Carol. I can barely handle it."

Carol nodded while patting his back in comfort. "I know. Don't worry, Harry. You'll get through this. I believe in you." Harry nodded again before looking at the coffin. "It really hurts to lose someone you really had grown attached to. Perhaps, that is what Stella should feel right now, right?"

Carol bit her lower lips. "Maybe you're right but everything has changed. She's in a more peaceful state now." her words only made the man beside her looked down in despair. "I miss her already." he turned sad. Carol fully understood him but she was now speechless, didn't really know the right words to convey the meaning of the current situation.

Jerry also had come towards those two. "Be strong, Harry. We'll be here with you, yeah?" he spoke and that was all it took for Harry to sigh again. "Thank you." his words were dull and so were his eyes. Both Carol and Jerry could sense it.

"Sorry, I'm late." I weakly said after arriving at the hall but everyone seemed to be only smiling at me, including Harry. He brightened in relief upon seeing my presence. He went to hug me for comfort and I could only think about that night again.

"I was getting worried about you." He spoke but I patted his back lightly. "I'm sorry. My session with the doctor seemed to be taking rather long today." My response made Harry felt a bit better again.

"It's alright, Stella. You should get better soon so don't push yourself today, yeah?" He held my hand and guided me towards the coffin. "You ready?" He asked and I only nodded in bittersweet.

It was actually the day after and unfortunately, Collins somehow had committed suicide when the police came. I woke up after passing out and were just in time to witness it.

I remembered how his face was looking at me with a really bright smile plastered on his face. He looked so innocent as if he had never done anything wrong or realizing his true position as a wanted criminal now. He never said anything else besides staring at me the whole time and finally nodded after taking hold of another kitchen knife and sliced himself.

It was shocking and I admitted that I screamed my heart out seeing such a scene in front of me. We also just learned about how he had always been bullied in his cell and that now the police were taking action about it. Thank god for that but it's quite meaningless if you asked me since Collins was now gone forever.

When I finally had him in my hold, I cried hard but he could only keep his smile, feeling content about how I still care about him even though just a little bit. Harry also was by our sides, watching his last moment.

"Thank you, Stella. I will never forget you. You'll be happy with Harry. I'll pray for you two. I'm sorry for everything, Harry." he managed to look at Harry before the man nodded his head. "It's alright, mate. I'm sorry for everything too."

I sobbed while hugging Collins closer. "Don't worry, Collins. You've changed. I believe in you. You're a better man now. You're a good person and I know that."

Collins smiled at my statement. "You're an angel, Stella. Thank you. I'm never going back to where I was, so please let me go, okay?" he reminded me again. I really wanted him to be saved and he even stopped the people around to help him. I finally nodded at his request. He really wanted a peaceful life but he couldn't achieve it in this world. He wanted it in the afterlife now and I couldn't afford to stop him.

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