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I was in a deep sleep, having a dream about what me and Adrian's life would be life if I everything told him how I felt. It was killing me inside, I so badly wanna tell him how I feel but when I try to talk to him, I stutter and my legs feels like jello. If only he wasn't so freaking perfect!

I felt two small hands on my cheeks. "MARINETTE WAKE UP!" A small voice said. "Five more minutes." I groaned and turned over to put my soft pink blanket over my head. "Marinette you have school in 15 minutes." The small voice spoke again while trying to pull the blanket off my head. I shot up, wide awake as soon as I heard those words. I looked at my phone, my eyes widened, it was 7:44am. "TIKKI WHY DIDNT YOU WAKE ME UP SOONER!?!" I quietly yelled at her. "Sorry Marinette I was really tired from the Akuma last night." She looked down sadly. I stopped rushing around my room, I already changed into my pants and shirt, "I'm sorry Tikki. It was my fault. I forgot to set my stupid alarm last night." I said in a caring voice as I kissed her forehead lightly. He's gave me a reassuring smile. I used the bathroom and stuffed my books in my bag and quickly went down stairs. I forgot that my parents had to make a early delivery that's why my parents hadn't tried to wake me up. I mentally slapped my self for being so forgetful and careless.

I quickly put a croissant I'm my mouth and left the bakery. Tikki popped out my purse and said, "Quickly Marinette, you only have 5 more minutes to get to class on time." I gave her a small nod, removed the croissant from my mouth and said, "Ok Tikki, thanks." I started to jog to school while eating the croissant. It was kinda hard to do, but I defeat akumas every day so this couldn't be to hard.

It was one minute until class and I got to school I quickly rushed to Miss Bustier's class. I ran into the classroom as the bell rang, "I made it!" I said as I put my hands in the air. I saw Adrian looking at me. I started to blush a little bit as I went to my seat, "Girl I love your hair! You should wear it down more often!" Alya said with a big smile on her face, "and plus Adrian seems to notice!" She said whispering so only I could hear her. I felt my hair, she was right! I don't know where my ties went, they must have fell out while I was running here. Miss Bustier walked in at 8:05. "Good morning everyone. Sorry I'm late I was talking to Mr. Damocles."


It was towards the end of the school day and we were all working on a paper that was assigned but we were aloud to talk to our peers while working. I finished my work early, while Alya was still working. I was just staring at Adrian. "Alya? I'm going to do it." I said still staring at the back of Adrian's head. I wasn't looking at her but I could already tell she had the biggest smirk on her face. She knew what I was talking about but she just had to clarify, "Do what? Like tell Adrian about your feelings??!" She said quietly so only I could hear. "Yes." I said trying to be confident but Alya knew how scared I was. "OH MY GOSH GIRL YAYYY!" She said. No one really noticed us talking because everyone else was talking to their friends. "I think I'll do it by the end of this week." The bell rang

Everyone started packing up. Ok all I need to do is actually say a proper sentence to him then I might actually be able to tell him my feelings. I was really slow to get everything because I couldn't get my mind off that I was actually gonna tell Adrian my feeling for him. What if he rejects me? What if he hates me after this? What if he's says he'll never see me then more then a friend? What if I die from embarr- "Hey Marinette?" Omg omg omg it was Adrian!!!!!!! "H-hey" I replied. At this point I was standing outside. Everyone already whet home and it was just me and him. "I just wanted to let you know that I think that your hair down suits you." He's said as he rubbed the back of his neck.


Hey guys so this is the first chapter and I really hope you like it. Lmk if you have any ideas or questions. I didn't really know what time her school actually started so I just said 8am

Words: 820

Living the Dream x MarichatWhere stories live. Discover now