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Back with Adrian
I leaped in my window that I left open. "Plagg claws off." I said quietly as I closed my eyes. I opened my eyes to see Plagg in front of my looking mad. "Adrian are you just gonna stand there and let my starve to death or are you going to get me Camembert?" "Ok Plagg calm down." I said as I walked over to the cabinet that's had all the cheese in it. I opened the cheese box, covered my nose and gave Plagg his cheese. "Mhmmmm that's some good stuff. Plagg. Said as he stuffed his face with cheese. I went over to my bed and laid down with both my hands on the back of my head staring up at the ceiling. "Oh yeah kid"...... Plagg started talking but taking bites in between... "What's going with you and that girl? You were totally flirting with her." I looked at him in shock., "I was not flirting, I was just comforting her." "Mmmmhhh sureeee." He said as he laid down to go to bed. "Kid I'm going to hit the hey, see you tomorrow. "Good night Plagg." I said as I kept staring at the ceiling. I had to get ready for bed I have school tomorrow.

I got dressed into my pjs, washed my face, and used the bathroom. As I was heading into bed I couldn't get my mind off Marinette. In my head, "I wonder who she was talking about when she said she liked this boy. Maybe it was Luka or Nathaniel? Plagg is wrong, I wasn't flirting, I was just being a good friend to her. We can't be more then that because I'm in love with Ladybug. But Ladybug doesn't see my as more then a friend and a partner. Maybe one day." And just like that I slowly closed my eyes and I was asleep.

Morning: back to Marinette
Today is the day, no backing out now Marinette. I walked down stairs to see mama and papa's bags back and ready to leave. They had to go on a trip to the United States for a baking event. I kissed both of them on the cheek, "Love you guys! Text my when you get there." "Of course Marinette. And don't forget, since you have school it opens as soon as you'd get home from school and al....." I cut her off, "yes mama I know." "Ok sweetie. See you soon. Love you!" And they were off. The bakery felt extremely quiet. I went back upstairs to get ready for school, since I was still in my pjs.

I went into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror for a second. I couldn't help but smile. I was so nervous but so excited at the same time. I brushed teeth, changed, and brushed my hair. I thought that since I think I look good with my hair down that I would try something new. I finally got the perfect hairstyle. It was the half up half down look. I thought I looked amazing. "Marinette you look so beautiful. I love what you've done with your hair!" Tikki said. "Thanks Tikki. I thought I would try something different since today in telling Adrian how I actually feel." "Marinette I'm so proud of you." Tikki said in a loving voice.

I finished getting ready and I had about a half an hour before I had to go to school so I took some breakfast from the bakery and I heading to school. I kinda had a limp because of my ankle but it want to bad. I walked to school enjoying every little detail that I saw. Paris is absolutely beautiful. I walked to school slowly because I wasn't in any rush. Thoughts flooded my mind. What was Adrian going to think? I don't think he has a clue that I like him. I just really hope he feel the same way. WAIT! What if he doesn't like hamsters!! That's going to be a big problem.

It was 7:49 and I had about 10 more minutes before class so I decided to get there early. I peeked in the glass to see into the classroom but only Alya and a few other people was there. Adrian wasn't there yet. So I walked into the classroom, of course no one but Alya actually noticed but I didn't care that no one else noticed. A wide smirk appeared on best friend's face. I walked over to her and I sat down. "Alya before you say anything I wanted to tell you that I'm doing it....today." I looked over at her. "Girl I am so proud of you!! I think I might cry!!" She said while hugging me and pretending to wipe tears from her eyes.


The day went by really slow but also really fast. The whole day Alya we being so supportive and loving. I couldn't ask for a better best friend. I still couldn't believe that this was actually going to happen. The day ended and me and Adrian were the last one to go home so on out way outside I ran up to Adrian, "H-hey A-Adrian." I said nervously. "Oh hey Marinette!" He said in a cheery voice. He could definitely tell that u was nervously looking down at my feet "I-I have to t-tell y-your something." He put his hand on my shoulder, "You can tell my anything Marinette." He gave me a kind smile. He removed his hand off my shoulder. I stood up, trying to look more confident. "Ok Adrian I'm just going to come out and say it."

He was looking at me giving me his full attention, "I-I like you. Like more then a friend."


Ik Ik I'm sorry for leaving you on this cliffhanger but I promise that I have a really good idea for the next part.
I don't think you guys understand how hard it is writing 'she's just a friend' i gag when I write it because we all know it's bs
I hate writing that but ur had to be done. Anyways pls vote. Tysm for reading my fan fic.

Words: 1,043

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