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After I that I just left. I could help but blush a bit. I went home and landed on my balcony. "Tikki, spots off." I said as Tikki appeared in front of me. We talked for a while. She could see how flustered I got when she brought up Adrian or Chat. I told her that I know Chat in Adrian. She was so surprised. I promised her that I would keep it a secret and I wasn't going to tell Adrian until it's safe. I went to bed with a smile on my face.

The next day I woke up to the loudest bang outside! There had to be an akuma, "TIKKI SPOTS ON!" I yelled. I went outside while trying to follow the loud sound. "Good morning LB!" He said cheerfully. He didn't call me his lady. I kinda missed it. That means he really does care for me, Marinette. "Why are you so cheerful?" I asked curiously. "No reason." He smiled. "Well did you see an akuma anywhere?" "No but let's just follow this sound. We'll be sure to find it." I nodded in agreement.

An hour later they came face to face with Hawkmoth. He got sick and tired of him sending people to do his dirty work for him. Ladybug and Cat Noir started to get in his head. Hawkmoth doesn't know that Chat is Adrian and he doesn't know Ladybug is Marinette. Hawkmoth has trapped Ladybug in his fortress. He knocked her out then brought her there. He knocked her out because Chat was about to transform back and she was left all alone to fight. She's stil is passed out on the ground with purified butterflies all around her. Adrian is feeding Plagg and has no idea what happened to her.

Adrian POV.
"Plagg please hurry up. Ladybug needs our help." I said urging him to go faster. "Ok ok I'm going." He said as he threw the last piece of Camembert up in the air and into his mouth. "I shouldn't have left her all alone! PLAGG CLAWS OUT!" I yelled. I went back to the place where I left but to my surprise no one was there. I started to feel pressure on my chest. What if something bad happened to her and it's my fault? I could never live with myself if I let something bad happen to her. I quickly took my staff out and opened it.

I needed to see where her location was. It was....... the Agrest Mansion. Why was Ladybug but there? I went as quickly as I possibly could to my house. When I got there I felt that cold embrace of all the lonely nights I've spent in there. I couldn't go through the front so I climbed over all the wall, carefully avoiding all the security cameras. I went into the garden and looked for a different way in. I walking around when I have never been, because father wouldn't let me go into the back area. I opened the door. That when I saw everything. Mom....... she was just lying there. Cold and lifeless.

I put one of my hands on the clear glass. I felt a tear roll down my face. I put me head up in realization. I looked around noticed every detail of where I am. It hit me. My father..... is HAWKMOTH! My father was Hawkmoth. I was still trying to comprehend this. My father put innocent citizens at risk so he could bring mom back to life. She would be so disappointed in him. I quickly wiped my tears rolling down my cheek and went off to find Ladybug.


Marinette POV.
I woke up from a daze. My head was killing me. I slowly sat up while having my hand on my torso. I groaned in pain as I sat up. It felt as if someone punched me on the stomach. Well Hawkmoth did so that explains that. My eyes widened at I thought of Cat Noir. What if he was hurt? What if Hawkmoth is fighting him right now? I can't let anything happen to him. I saw small white butterflies all around me. I felt their presence. There was a gigantic window behind me.

The best chance I had of getting of there was the window. It was too risky to detransform in case Hawkmoth was going to come back but I had to feed Tikki. I wondered why he hadn't already taken my Miraculous. "Tikki spots off." I said softly. I put both my hands out for Tikki to land on.

"Are you ok Marinette?" Tikki said with a raspy voice. "Yes. Let's get you some food." I opened my purse and pulled out a macaroon.


Hawkmoth hasn't already taken her miraculous because Adrian was "missing" but he was really just Cat Noir. So he was really angry and pissed so they want looking for him.


SOOOOOO I hope u liked this part. I really bad at describing the fighting so I just had to summarize it. Anyways pls vote

Words: 848

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