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At this point we both new exactly where we were gonna go. We were gonna got to our spot, Effie Tower.

We arrived on the tower and we both sat down. Our feet were dangling off the edge. We weren't scared because we knew we would just catch our selves if we fell. "So uhh." I finally said breaking the silence. "I guess the cats out of the bag." He said as he looked at me with a big smirk plastered on his face. I could help but smile and chuckle. "So do I get to see that beautiful face under the mask?" I tensed up. I don't know why I'm so nervous.

I know who he is, I'm in love with him, I think he likes me so I should have no reason to be nervous. I stood up he followed , "just uh don't be disappointed." I said looking down getting mentally prepared to show what's under the mask. He put his hand on my cheek forcing me to look up, "M'lady, you could never disappoint me," he removed his hand from my cheek and backed up a bit. "Claws off." It's still amazes me when I see him.

Plagg stayed silent, he knew what was about to happen and he respected that. Well actually he was too busy eating cheese that he gave him to even pay attention. "Spots off." I said closing my eyes tightly. I opened my eyes.

Adrian POV.
I was about to see who m'lady is under the mask. I really liked Marinette but I wouldn't always love Ladybug. I didn't want to mourn about how my father was Hawkmoth. He wasn't that great of a father but he was still my closest family. Now I have LB and I refuse to lose her.

"Spots off." I heard her say. I was ready to finally know who that lady of my dreams is.


It was her.

All along.

Marinette. POV.
He just stood there

Was he disappointed? Happy? Sad?

"Please say something." I said nervously.

"The girl of my dreams has been the person I sit by in class." He said as he walked up to me. Our bodies were so close together. I missed this comfort. "Marinette I love you." He said as he put both hand on my waist.

My insides went:

"I'm going to go insane if I don't kiss you in the next 5 seconds." He said in a anxious tone. I giggled and smiled, "Then do it alrea-" he cut me off my putting his lips onto mine. It was so soft and gentle like he have been waiting for this for our entire lives. Maybe we have. Our lips separated knowing he eventually have to breath. He put his forehead onto mine.

"I love you too. I always have." I said with the biggest smile on my face. "I don't wanna ruin the moment but a-are you gonna be ok?" It was like he didn't care that his dad was Hawkmoth. He sighed and took his forehead off mine. He looked in my eyes as and I saw a smile creep on his lips.

"I'm sad yes, but I have you now. You are my dream. If my father being is jail is what it takes to be in a relationship we you. Then so be it. I'm living the dream."


Nathalie apologized for everything. She explained how she was in a tough situation and her feelings for my father. I understood. We had a actually funeral for my mom. It was hard but Marinette helped me every minute of it. I wasn't gonna let the most amazing thing that happed to me leave. I wasn't gonna push her away.

Its about a week later. I had to take someone time off because of the funeral. Marinette stayed with me too.

I got out of the car to see Marinette, Alya, and Nino talking from afar. They noticed me I waved. I saw a blush come on Marinettes face. She was so cute and just over all amazing. Then I heard "Adrikinsssss!!" Oh lord have mercy. She put her arms around my neck. "I missed youu!!! Give me a kiss." She puckered her lips. I saw Marinettes face fall into a frown. I pushed Chloe off of me. "Sorry Chloe but I have a girlfriend." I crossed her are and pouted, "Who!!??"

I walked over to Marinette and put my arm over her "UGHH RIDICULOUS!!!! UTTERLY RIDICULOUS!!" She said as she stomped away. I could just see Marinettes blush on her face.

Alyas face was just shocked and Nino had a smirk on his face like he new the day would come. I spun her around. "What are you doing?" She said as I heard her giggle. "This." I put my hands on her hips and kissed her. It was amazing. I heard gasps all around up. It was kinda a dip kiss. We put stood up pulling away from a kiss.

Her face was as read as a tomato (a/n Nathaniel who BHAHAHAHA IM SRY) I put my hand out, "Shall we head to class m'lady." I said the last part quietly so only she could hear.

"We shall kitty." She said the last part quietly so only I could hear. She grabbed my hand and we intertwined out fingers together.


Marinette POV in this entire situation
I saw as Chloe but her arms around Adrian. I knew we were together and made it official but I still felt a frown come to my face. I saw him push her off of him and he was walking our direction. He put his arm around me.

Chloe stomped out of there angrily. I felt a blush come to my face. We are together but no one knows yet. He spun me around. "What are you doing?" I whispered to him. "This." And just like that he kissed me. ADRIAN FREAKING AGREST IS KISSING ME IN FRONT OF OUR ENTIRE GRADE. I heard gasping all around us.

We both stood up and I just knew my face was as red as a tomato. He put his hand out. "Shall we head to class m'lady." I couldn't only hear the last part. "We shall kitty." I whispered the last part to him. I grabbed his hand and our fingers intertwined. As we walked off I looked back to see Nino with the biggest smirk on his face and Alya doing something weird her hands. I just mouthed "I don't know I'll tell you later." I don't know if she got that but that's what I said to her. "Like I said living the dream." Adrian whispered. I felt butterflies in my stomach. (A/n not the akuma kind lmaooo)


The next chapter will be the last. It'll basically just be the dance

NSJSJSJSHHJSH SO CLOSE TO THE END!!! 😩😩😭😭 I really hoped u liked it because it took my a while. I really love how this chapter turned out I hope u did too. Tysm for all the people who did read it ily

Words: 1189

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