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I couldn't believe it, my Chat Nior, is Adrian Agrest. They guy I've been in love with for so long. We both pulled away from the kiss knowing that we had to breathe. He put his forehead on mine a smile appeared on both of our faces. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this to happen." I said happily. A burst came through the door! We both pulled away quickly putting some space between us. It was Adrian's bodyguard. "Sorry Marinette. I have to go but I'll see you later." He gave me a kiss on the cheek. Then he was gone. I couldn't help but blush. Tikki was overjoyed. She knew how much I've been wanting this. I went upstairs and did homework for I while I looked at the time, 6:54 pm.

I promised Chat I would go on patrol tonight. I knew that he was my partner and all but to think that it's a possibility that under that mask could be the boy I've had a crush on since forever. It's insane. But also not really. It's just like me. I'm this total klutz when I'm Marinette but when I'm Ladybug I'm confident and outgoing.

An hour later
I was sitting on the Effie Tower when I heard a noise next to me. Not to my surprise it was Chat. "Hello m'lady!" He said in a cheery voice. I giggled, "someone's in a good mood." I said looking at the beautiful view of Paris. He sat next to me. "Could we talk for a bit." Of course." I said. "So you know I will always love you, right?" She said. I looked at him giving him my full attention. "So I umm met someone." He said nervously. "Who's the lucky gal?" I asked. "So your not mad?" He said surprised. "No Chat, all I want is for you to be with someone that can make you happy." I said smiling at him. He gave me a wide smile.

"So who is it?" I asked curiously. If it really was Adrian under that mask and he really did like me more then a friend then wouldn't he say me? I don't know. Maybe I'm overthinking everything. "Well," she started as he rubbed the back of his neck. Adrian did the same thing when he was nervous. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I said calmly. "It's Marinette. Marinette Dupain Chang." On the outside I was calm but i the inside I was screaming. I really wanted to reveal my identity but it wouldn put us both at risk. "She makes you happy?" I asked. "Yes very." He gave me a wide smile. "That's good...... well I'm going to get going. I've only have a few blocks to go." I said while standing up. "Ok bye." He said. But before he could leave I gave him a hug. "I'm really happy for you." I have him the biggest smile.

He was gone and I started to swing where I have looked yet. Of course it's was the street that Adrian lived on. On my way I felt a drop of rain hit my face. "Oh no." I looked up. It started pouring on my face. "You know for a bug that brings luck, this is not very lucky." I put my head back down. I shivered in the cold. As soon as I was done I needed to get back home. I could hardly see anything with the darknesses and the rain. I saw I lit up window an peeking in. It took me a hot minute to realize I was staring right in the Adrian Agrest's room. It was definitely time for me to go home.

But before I could even swing off the ledge I heard a voice. "Ladybug?" I turned around to see Adrian. "Oh my gosh you look freezing! Please come in." I really should decline but I really was freezing. So I gladly accepted his offer. "T-thank you." I said shivering. "Wait one second. I'll get you a towel." He said as he went to his bathroom to fetch me a towel. He got a towel and but it around me.

I shivered at his fingers that brushed on my suit. "So what are you doing out so late?" He asked at he pulled up his desk chair and sat across from me. "Just patrol." I said feeling warmer. "Isn't that rude of Chat to leave you in the rain." He said. I knew he was talking about himself. I wish I could just tell him right then and there that I was his Lady but it would be too dangerous. "Well I don't think he could predict the weather." I said with a chuckle. "I should umm get going. I'm going to transform back soon." I said standing up getting ready to leave. "Oh ok." He said also standing up. I then realized how close our faces were.

We just stood there staring at each other for a second. But it wasn't uncomfortable, it was like was we talking but we were just looking at each other.

Ahhhhhh I LOVE LADRIAN!!!!!!! I hope you guys liked how Marinette found out. I wasn't really sure about it. PLS VOTEEE

Words: 890

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