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I leaped building over building trying to get closer to the akuma and find Chat Noir. I felt guilty about leaving him all alone fighting the akuma but I had to clean up my cut. I leaped to the ground, forgetting that my ankle with still in pain, I mentally slapped myself for forgetting it. "Hey bugaboo! Nice for you to drop in." He said in a flirtatious voice. I had to be cautious of my ankle while fighting this Akuma.


I purified the akuma. "Bye bye little butterfly."Miraculous Ladybug!" I yelled as I threw the used lucky charm in the air. My earring beeped. I put my hand on it and told Chat, "Can you bring the civilian home. I'm going to transform back." "Any thing for you M'lady." He said as he tried to kiss my hand but I quickly pulled away. "I'm about to transform back I have to go. By kitty. Bug out!" I swung away heading back towards my balcony. I finally landed. "Tikki spots off." I closed my eyes. I opened them again. Tikki was in front of me. I sat down on my chair. I opened my purse and pulled out a cookie for Tikki. "Tikki I know Chat said he would come back, but he has to feed his kwami and I have have homework to get done so let's go inside." We went inside and I worked on a chemistry project that what assigned 2 days ago.

A few hours later I checked my phone and it was 6:48. I went down stairs to eat dinner. After laughing and talking with my parents while eating dinner I went back upstairs. I packed my school bag so it was ready for tomorrow. I changed into my soft silky pajama shirt and pants. It looked beautiful outside with the whole city lit up. It was a perfect view of the Eiffel Tower. So I put on my oversized sweatshirt and climbed onto my balcony. I put both my hands on the railing and inhaled deeply, then exhales. It was at times like these that I'm grateful for everything that I have, I get to be ladybug, I have to amazing parents, great friends, shelter, and my amazing partner, Chat Noir. I don't know what more I could ask for. Well there is one thing...... Adrian. He's perfect.

Kind, smart, helpful, and so much more. He would never like a total klutz like me. Well I'm about to know soon because tomorrow is the day I'm going to tell him how I feel. I heard a pair of feet's next to me. I looked over. A wide smile appeared on my face. "IM SO SORRY PRINCESS! I would have come earlier but I had to drop the civilian who got akumatized back to their house but their parents had so many questions....." then he kept rambling on how he had to feed his kwami and how his kwami was so stubborn. He finally stopped, I had my elbow on the railing starring at him with a big smile on my face, "Hahah! Chat you don't have to explain anything to me. You didn't even have to come back." I said chuckling that I already knew what he had to do, since I'm his partner. "Well it was m'ladys orders. I would do anything for her. She's perfect." He said in awe. I felt my cheeks get warm from the compliments. Of course Chat what too distracted to notice. He quickly snapped out of daze and asked, "So do you have anyone special in you life?" He asked while nudging my shoulder. "Welllll" I was leaning against the railing playing with my fingers.

"Com'n purrrincess you can tell me anything." He said but extending the r. "Ok so there's this guy. I really really like him, but he would never like me. He's too perfect, he's kind, selfless, smart, not to mention handsome, and so much more." I said shyly. "Hey" he put his hand under my chin and lifted it up so our faces were very close, "Any guy would be lucky to be with you and you will never know until you ask." He said. "Your right, I'm going to do it. Thanks kitty!" He put his arm around my shoulder, I shivered at his touch. I put my head on his shoulder and we just stayed there for a while, it was very peaceful.

It was 4 minutes later and I really was tired. "Kitty I think it's time for you to go. I'm have to get to bed, I'm really tired." I faced him he could see the bags under my eyes. He gave me a little smile. "Your right," he kissed my forehead. I was shocked but I was too tired to react, "good night Princess." And just like that he was gone.

I went back to my room, said good night to Tikki and hopped in my soft, warm blanket. I slowly shut my eyes and fell asleep.


I'm love the way this chapter turned out and I really hoped you like it. Also I just wanted to let you know that I might not be able to update regularly because I'm going back to school every other day. I don't want to feel pressured to brainstorm ideas then write it all down.

That's why I've written some chapters in advance. Anyways tysm for reading and pls vote it would mean so much to me

Words: 920

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