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Luka gave me a soft look. Adrian on the other hand looked like he was about to explode. "Umm give me one second." I went to grab the cookies from the back. They just stood there awkwardly while Marinette went into the back. I came back with a bag with 2 cookies and handed it to Adrian, "Here's your cookies. Also if you still want to talk just come back in a half an hour." He paid then I looked over to Luka, Adrian left, I was really hoping that he would come back. I really wanted to know what he was going to say.

"Luka what can I get for you?" I asked politely.

All he wanted as a croissant so that what exactly what I got him. He paid and it was kind of awkward. I think he felt he interrupted an important conversation which he kinda did, well I don't know what that conversation was going to turn into. "Marinette," he said while rubbing the back of his head. "Yes?" I looked up at him. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the dance with me?" "L-Luka," it's not that I didn't want to go with him it just that I hoped that someone else would ask me. He gave me a soft smile. "That's ok. If the person you want to ask you doesn't, let me know." He kissed my cheek and just like that he was gone. He was so understanding and amazing about it. About 20 minutes later, pacing and nervously waiting for Adrian to arrive. There was no guarantee that he would come but I still had a bit of hope.

"H-hey." A voice came from the from door. I looked over to see Adrian standing against the doorway. "Hey, i-I wasn't sure you were gonna come." I said nervously. "Of course I would, you deserve an explanation." He looked just as nervous as me. But I didn't make any sense why he was nervous. He's not the one that got his heart broken into a million pieces.

"So." I crossed my arms nervously. I didn't know what to say. "Look I'm sorry for what happened." He said quickly. "Don't worry about it, I wasn't really expecting you to feel the same way." She looked down sadly. I couldn't stand to see her like this anymore. "Marinette, that's the thing," she looked up at me. I walked up to her and grabbing both her hand slowly. "I do feel the same way, It just took me some time to realize." She looked at me a disbelief. "You don't have to pity me just because I'm sad." HOW COULD SHE THINK THAT! I had to prove to her that I really did like her. I put my hand on her waist and kissed her. I missed having her in my arms and being able to hold her. It was a soft and gentle kiss. She kissed me back.

Marinette POV.
There's no way that The Adrian Agrest liked me back. This is the moment that I've been waiting for forever. But my mind kept wondering back to Chat. How can I like 2 people at the same time.
(A/n little did she know 😏)
It wasn't fair for either of them. Then ADRIAN KISSED ME!!!! Of course I kissed him back. I've been dreaming about this moment forever. It's felt like a million fireworks going off. I felt so familiar. Kind of like..........CHAT! Adrian can't be Chat, can he??? I put my hand in his hair. I fell more deep in the kiss. Chat and Adrian's hair felt the exact same.

Sry this chapter is short but at least I have Marinette and Adrian some brain cells :) ur welcome

Words: 633

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