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Omg omg omg omg DID ADRIAN AGREST JUST COMPLIMENT ME!!!!! I think I'm about to faint. But I have to play it cool. "I-umm- thanks." I said trying my hardest to not look like the biggest idiot. We kinda just stood there awkwardly until I finally said, "Well I have to get back home. I-I'll see you l-later." I waved and before I could walk away he said, "Actually do you mind if I walk with you. I think I might get a macaroon from your bakery." "Of course you can." I gave him a smile. Wait a damn minute, did I just say a full sentence to Adrian Agrest with out stuttering?!

Before we could get very far the ground started to rumble. We looked at eachother other. The rumbling started to got closer but it would more like really large foot steps. I look up to see a gigantic dinosaur heading our way. The dinosaur knocked over everything in its path. A tree was coming straight for me. I wasn't ladybug, I felt hopeless, I froze. "MARINETTE!!!" He pushed me out of the way, landing on top of me his hands on both sides of my shoulders. For a moment he stared into my eyes and it felt like fireworks. But I don't think he felt it.

Adrian POV.
I pushed her out of the way in result of saving her life I also landed on top of her. At the beginning of the day I saw her hair down and I have to admit she looked quite beautiful. She had this new sense of confidence and I really liked it. It's always like to see friends gain confidence. But when I was on her I saw her freckles on her cheeks going on her nose. Her perfect bluebell eyes. That's something you could stare at all day. Wait what am I doing im in love with Ladybug and plus Marinette is just a friend. I quickly got off her and offered my hand to help her up. Which she gladly excepted. "We need to get out of here. Go home your family is probably worried. I'll go back home too. My father is probably worried." I lied I wasn't going home I had to transform. She nodded. We went out separate ways hoping she would get home safely. If anything happed to her I would never forgive myself. Damn it! I should have just stayed with her! I went in to a ally to transform. "PLAGG CLAWS OUT!" Then I heard a scream

Marinette POV.
I could only hope that Adrian got have safely. Before I could even hide to transform I felt something pulling me. It was the strongest wind I had ever felt. I tried my hardest to get the the street light to hold on but when I did get there the wing got stronger pulling a cars, buses and everything on that street. There it was, a car sliding, coming right for me. My feet were about to come off the ground from the wind. I swung myself toward the left to dodge the car but I guess I didn't go far enough because the bottom of the car scraped against my ankle. It was the deepest cut I've ever had. I screamed in pain. Still trying to hold on. I slipped and before I knew it I felt a strong pair of arm caring me very fast. I was holding on for dear life. It was Chat Noir. He slowly put me down on my chair on my balcony. I groaned in pain as I remember the pain that the cut caused.

"Princess I'm so sorry, should have gotten here sooner. I'm so sorry!" He said with worry in his voice. "Chat," I cupped his cheek with one of my hands, "it's ok." I gave him a reassuring smile. "You need to go fight this akuma." I said "I-I'll be back. Please don't move I can't risk you getting even more injured." He said with a more serious tone. "I'm going to go to my room don't worry about me." He jumped off my roof. He's jumped roof after roof heading to we're the akuma is. Tikki came out of my purse as soon a she heard Chat Noir leave.

"MARINETTE ARE YOU OK? I heard you got hurt." She look at me to see if I'm injured. She see my ankle and gasps, "MARINETTE!!! Oh my gosh! I'm going to your room to supplies to help stop the bleeding." She was back I more then 1 minute with a small bowl of water. She set it down next to me and she went back to my room. She came back with paper towels, a really big bandage, and a cast rap for extra protection. I quickly washed of all the blood with the water, patted it down with the paper towels, occasionally wincing and the pain.

I put the bandage on and put the rap on over it. My leg felt like hell but I knew I had to transform. "Tikki, you ready?" I asked with a smirk on my face. "Always Marinette." She replied. "TIKKI SPOTS ON!!"

I immediately felt stronger and my ankle wasn't hurting as bad.


I don't really have anything to say but I'm kinda proud of myself for making longer and more descriptive.

Words: 903

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