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Adrian POV
Why did it take me so long to just notice how beautiful she was. It because I've never seen this side of her before. She's confident, beautiful, talented and so much more. I just wish I noticed it sooner because she probably never wants to talk to me again, well Adrian, she wouldn't mind talking to Chat Noir.

Damn it, I stuttered! "Purrincess are you ok?" I already knew she wasn't by the same frown she gave me but I really wanted to know what she was feeling. "Let's just say i-I've been better." She look down at her hands over the railing. She quickly wiped a tear that was about to fall. "D-do you wanna talk about it? " I asked her softly as I walked up to her and put my arm around her shoulder. I felt her shiver at my touch. "Yes but also no." She said in a sad voice. "Just talk whenever you are ready. "I think that it's healthy to be sad..... because if I didn't feel sad then I probably wasn't happy in the first place." " wow that was deep." I said trying to cheer her up. She chuckled at my comment. This is so weird, I've never seen this sensitive, vulnerable Marinette before. It was nice that I could see what she was like without stuttering.

After a moment of silence she said, "i really do wanna talk about it, especially with someone I trust, you Char Nior." She looked at me and that was it, that was the end. She had me under a spell. She was absolutely stunning and I felt like the most oblivious and stupid person ever. Her eyes locked on mine. I got lost in them.

Marinette POV.
After a moment of silence I said, "I really do wanna talk about it, especially with someone I trust, you Chat Noir." I looked over at him. He looks so handsome just standing there, for a moment I just wanted to jump in his arms and kiss me but I've never felt these feelings before. But why now? It just doesn't make any sense. I think because its because I know that Adrian will never see me more than just a friend. "The umm guy that I was telling you about...... well he doesn't feel the same way. You were wrong." "Well then he's really stupid because you really are amazing." He said confidently. "Chat you don't even know me." "I know that you are kind, selfless, your would put yourself in harms way just to save someone one, not to mention beautiful, and insanely talented." "Thank you Chat." I hugged him tightly around the neck. I started to feel myself blush. He put his hands around my torso and hugged me back.

I couldn't hold it in anymore, i just started to cry. I buried my face in his shoulder. I felt him rubbing by back. I shivered at this strange feeling of comfort. I lifted my head off his shoulder and said, "I-I'm sorry." I looked up at him noticing that his was staring at me. I then felt my face get warm.

Adrian POV.
Marinette, my Princess was crying in my shoulder. And to think that I'm the one that caused this pain is killing me. I just wanted to kiss away all her problems. She lifted her head off my shoulder and said, "I-I'm sorry." She looked at me. I didn't even realize I was staring at her. Her face when a light shad of red and if it weren't for my mask she would be able to she me getting red too. I couldn't hold it in anymore, it was talking every thing inside of me not to kiss her. So I did I filled the gap that was between us. At first it caught her by surprise but then SHE WAS KISSING ME BACK!!

Kinda both pov.
Me, I, Marinette, was kissing Chat Noir. My head so badly wanted to push him away but my heart and body wanted to stay like this forever. I closed my eyes and just went with this deep and passionate kiss. I let my fingers go into his soft hair.

Everything just felt so right like this. 'Beep beep' Chat Nior's ring beeping. We both pulled away from that loving kiss. We rested our foreheads one eachother's. Both catching out breath as we forget we still had to breathe. "Sorry Purrrincess I have to go." I said in my normal flirtatious voice. "I umm yeah, o-of c-course." MARINETTE!! Why are you stuttering? This is just your partner that you save Paris with all the time. He chuckled a bit and just like that he was gone. "Well that just made things a lot more complicated." I said at I put my hand on my forehead in frustration.

Adrian POV.
As I left Marinette's balcony I could help but smirk. I just just kissed Marinette and SHE HAD KISSED ME BACK! The way she stuttered was so cute. I felt a smile appear on my face. I probably just confused her feelings even more. I need to have clearance with LB.


The next few days of school were really awkward. Marinette and Ayla have just completely been ignoring Adrian. But he has been glancing over at her all the time.

It was the end of the week and I was so excited to just lay in bed and just do nothing, well maybe a little bit of sewing. When ever i had some free time I have been sketching a new dress. It was red, very silk like, it goes right over the knees, and skinny straps.

Ms. Bustier started to make an announcement, "Ok kids, I have an announcement to make," everyone one went silent as they wanted to know what the announcement is. "there in going to be a dance! It will be in 2 week." Everyone got really excited and started to talk to the people sitting next to them. The bell rang, "Ok kids have a nice weekend."


Hey guys sry I was gone for a while. I kinda had writers block but now I'm back!!!! The next chapter I will put the picture of the dress I already have it but I'm going to wait until next chapter. Also my friend was sleeping over so I didn't really have to time to write but don't worry we were watching miraculous the entire time ;) Don't forgot to vote.

Words: 1093

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