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Ok so for the dress you can imagine what ever you want but I really like this one. But the neck line would definitely cover up more. But I just couldn't find a picture. If you it to be more modest just imagine a long black sleeve turtle neck and stockings. Ur welcome

Marinette was quick to leave. She didn't want to wait around as see people asking their girlfriends or boyfriends and she certainly did not want to see Adrian. For some strange reason she just wanted to see Chat Noir. He hasn't come around since the kiss, which was only 2 days ago, but she still felt lonely. I quickly left and walked home quietly.

Adrian POV.
After that kiss between me, Chat Noir, and Marinette I couldn't restrain myself from glancing at her with every chance I get. She quickly got up and left. I was about to catch up to her and say something but I didn't even know what I would say to her. But before I could even get to her I felt a hand on my shoulder and it spun me around and then I was facing the angry best friend. "SO YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST TALK TO HER NOW HUH?!?!" Oh crap. "Before you even THINK about trying to make things right you better have a plan. Did you have a plan when you were going to talk to her just now??" I looked at her with a blank expression on my face. She was right, I didn't have a plan. "That's exactly what I thought. You know you broke her heart right? Yup and that's because of YOU!" She said while pointing her finger in my chest. "Don't worry I will make this right." I said as I put bag around my shoulder and left, the now empty classroom.

I waited a few hours to go see Marinette as Chat Noir because I we both had a lot to do. She probably had homework. I had fencing and Chinese.

I was hungry for some of their bakery's cookies. Marinette probably wouldn't be there anyways since she was probably doing homework. And plus I promise I would pick up Plagg something.

Marinette POV.
I opened the bakery door with my keys. I immediately felt the loving and warming smell of the bakery that I grew up in. I opened the bakery. I could only be open for a few hours because I had homework to do. I decided to make some fresh made cookies because I was kind of hungry. I made the cookies in the pan and quickly put them in the oven. I had a bit of flour on my cheek but I didn't notice. Then I hear the ring that the door made when someone walked in, "I'll be there in a second." I yelled from the back. I quickly washed my hands and made my way to the front. To my surprise it was Adrian.

I we both looked at each other and froze. I quickly looked away, I wasn't over him, and I knew it. Who knew that It took just one took look at that person and you just knew that you weren't over them. "W-what can I get f-for you?" I said trying my best not to stutter. "I umm would just like too chocolate chip cookies please." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm making some fresh right now, they will be out in a few minutes if you want to wait." I really don't want him to stay because I really don't want to talk to him but on the other hand i do want him so say because I'm just wondering what he will say. "Umm sure. Thank you." He said as he sat down in a chair.

This was one of the awkward situations ever. I was just standing there at the counter like an idiot. About a minute went by and the oven beeped. "That's the cookies. I'll be right back." Ugh like he would even care. I mentally slapped myself for saying something so obvious. That was a really dumb thing to say to him. I was so distracted by the fact that Adrian was here I totally forgot to put my gloves on to take out the cookies. I opened the oven and carelessly took out the cookies. By the time I realized boy hot it was it was to late. I yelled in pain "OWW!" I dropped the pan to the floor. It landed right side up.

"MARINETTE!" I heard Adrian yell. He ran to the back. I quickly grabbed my hand softly and put it to my chest. I leaned over, trying to hide the pain. "What happened? What wrong?" "Oh I'm fine. I put my hand behind my back and stood up straight. He slowly grabbed my arm very carefully and slowly opened my hand, "Marinette! Oh my gosh! Where's you first aid kit." I pointed to the cabinet since I was too embarrassed at my self to speak.

He quickly fixed up my hand in no time. The entire time he was so soft and gentle with me. He finished rapping my hand up. "Why are you doing this." I looked at him with sadness and curiosity in my face. He cupped the side of my face with his hand and rubbed the flour away. "Marinette I-." He was cut off by another customer that walked in. It was Luka. I took my hand away from Adrian's. "Hey Luka." I said awkwardly. He looked over at Adrian and it was obvious that he was as little mad by it. But he looked at my hand and quickly ran over to me. "Are you ok??" He said as he slowly grabs my hand.

"Yeah in fine. I just burned my hand." I said like it was nothing. I don't enjoy showing weakness or pain. There are some exceptions.

Ik Ik pls don't hate me for making Luka interior with then talking but it just came to me last minute and I thought it would keep the story going. Also I think Luka is very underrated and u can't change my mind.

Words: 1045

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