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Me and Marinette have been officially dating for a week now. The dance was in about 3 days and today was the day I am gonna ask Marinette. I had the best idea on how I was gonna ask her. Right after school I'm going to go straight into her room lay rose petals on the floor and hold up the sign.

I met her outside of the bakery like we do every morning. She smiled at me. Every time I see her my heart just melts. I love her with every I have.

Nino and Alya already know about my plan. We intertwined our fingers  "Hey how are you?" She smiled at me. "Fine kitty." She said as she hugged my upper part of my arm which always gave my butterflies.

The entire day was pretty much normal. Nothing interesting really happened. Marinette looked a bit sad today. Before our lasts class I asked, "Hey what's wrong? You look sad." "Oh I'm fine." She said as she gave me a reassuring smile. I didn't really believe it.


The truth is i am kinda sad. The dance is in 3 days and Adrian hasn't asked me. I don't wanna be one of those girls who wants this big gesture because I'm not, but maybe just a simple rose. Or maybe he just assumed we are going together which even if he doesn't ask me I think we are still going together.

I finished my last class and headed outside. Adrian and I didn't have out last class together. So I just headed straight home. I was still so excited for the dance though. I finished my dress and I think it looks gorgeous. I finally got home and walked up into my room. On my way up I see this.

(The picture is at the top. You can imagine it however u want but I think it's cute)

I walked in my room to see this: it says prom but just pretend it's a dance

I walked in my room to see this: it says prom but just pretend it's a dance

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"I-I" I stuttered with the biggest smile on my face. "So?" "YES!!" I yelled as he put his sign to the side and gave him a big hug. "I wasn't sure if you were going to ask." "Of course I was. Sorry it so long. Haha" when he laughed i just felt the butterflies come in my stomach. He's so cute.

The day of the dance
Me and Alya got started get ready at around 5pm. The dance started 7pm so the guys are going to pick us up at 6:45.

We finished getting ready and Alya looked absolutely gorgeous. "Alya you look amazing!" "Girl look at you!" We both stood in front of my big mirror. "We look amazing!" Alya said. I smiled. "we do don't we." I said as I looked at her and smiled. I felt so confident in this dress I really hoped that Adrian liked it too. "Ding ding" we both heard the bakery door open and looked at each other in excitement. We grabbed our phones, extra lipgloss, and anything that I would need for a dance, popped everything in our purses and walked out way downstairs.


He looked amazing

He looked at me in awe, "I-I umm y-you look b-beautiful." He said at he looked at me up and down. Adrian's POV: My soulmate, the one I want to be with for the rest of my life walked down the stairs. She looked absolutely gorgeous. I knew how beautiful she was but her dress but put everything together. I stuttered as I attempted to complement her. Back to Marinette POV. "You're starting to sound like me." I said as I gave him a smile and a kiss on the cheek. "You look handsome." He smiled at me.

I love his smile. Just seeing him happy warms my heart.

Nino and Alya were talking and my parents insisted on taking pictures so that's what we did. After a few minutes Adrian's limo arrived outside and we left. He open the door for me like a true gentleman. I love that man so much.

We walked into the gym. Lights, music, and the dance floor. It was really loud. Not really me or Adrian's style but it was only one night so I just went with it. We danced a bunch just talked. The only good food was the cookies so that pretty much all we ate.

Our song came on.....(the one they danced too next to the moon and out the party)

"M'lady?" He said in front of me with his hand out. I smiled at him and grabbed his hand, we went in the dance floor. I put my arms around his neck as he put his hands on my waist which instantly gave me butterflies. We just stared at each other for a minute.

"You looks absolutely purrfect. I think I've already said that but I had to say it again." He said with a smirk on his face. I feel a blush come to my face. He was my partner but also my first love so I still got a bit flustered around him. "Thank you." I said with a big smile on my face.

Both our eyes made our way to each other's lips. He slowly leaned in and kissed me then BOOM CHEMISTRY EVERYWHERE!! I will always love Adrian Agrest.




True love


Future wife/husband

What ever you wanna call it. I will always and forever love Adrian Agrest

I will forever love Marinette Dupain Cheng.

VNSJSJSJJSJS IK IK IM SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG anyways I really hope u like it. Lmk if anyone has any idea on what my next fan fic should be about

Words: 969

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