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So this goes in and out of their povs just to let you know

This was the moment. The moment I've been waiting for for so long. "Marinette I-I" I was shocked. How could I never noticed that she liked me. All the stuttering and the accidental compliments. But I've never seen her as more then a friend, right? That's all we could ever be because I'm in love with Ladybug and only Ladybug. Though Marinette has looked really nice these past few days. She's been doing new things with her hair and I thought she looked really pretty but that was it.

That's when I knew it. I knew that the moment I've been waiting for forever and he didn't even want me. I'm not good enough and I never will be. All he's ever seen me as in a friend. I wish I never did this. I would have been fine not knowing then getting my heart broken into a million pieces. I looked down blinking my eyes to try and hold back the tears. "I-it's ok you don't have to say anything." I said in a quiet voice. My voice cracked at the end. That's it if I don't cry I think I'm going to explode. He ran his hand through his hair, I ran off quickly and as soon as I started to run, I let all the pain at the come out.

"What did I just do?" I said out loud. "You just broke that poor girl's heart." Plagg said peeking out of my jacket. "I know." I said rubbing my face. I need to go apologize but she won't talk to me as Adrian. I need to go as Chat.

I ran, and ran, all the way back to the bakery. I saw a person standing in front of the bakery. Then I remembered that Alya told me she would wait for me at the bakery. I couldn't actually she her with the tears making my vision a little blurry. I ran up to the bakery. Alya gave me a soft and safe look. She gave me the biggest, kindest hug. I let it out I cried, on her now soaking tshirt. After a minute I left the hug and reached for the keys in my bag. Alya had to help me open it because my vision was still blurry from crying. We went inside in silent but it wasn't an uncomfortable silence, in was calm and comfortable.

She sat my by bed, I got up and brought a tissue box, because there was bound to be more crying. I was sitting with my legs crossed on my bed. Alya put her hand on my leg and said, "Marinette you realize that he's the biggest idiot to live right!!! I SWEAR TO GOD THE NEXT TIME I SEE HIM HES GOING TO GO HOME WITH A BLACK EYE!!!!!" She was standing up at this point. I chuckled at my protective best friend. I was so great full to have her. "Alya it's ok. I don't know what I was expecting, I didn't think he was going to feel the same way." I said sadly


After a few hours of talking, crying, lots of crying, eating sweets, and watching some tv, I was feeling better but I was still really sad. This isn't something that you can just get over in a few hours, both Alya and me knew that. She supported that. She went home at around 8:30. As soon as Alya left Tikki zoomed out of my purse. I felt so bad that I didn't get to talk to Tikki. She must have been worried sick. "Marinette!! I heard everything! I'm so sorry you don't deserve this! Your amazing, he doesn't deserve you!!" Tikki said quickly. I couldn't help it. A tear slowly rolled down my cheek. The pain isn't over, I still had this hole in my heart. "Tikki I love so much, thank you." I said softly trying not to cry. She hugged my cheek in comfort.


Adrian POV
"Plagg I know, I know! I messed up." I said in frustration. "Yes, you really did. Who knows what going to happen to that girls self confidence." Plagg said as he's eating his cheese. "UGH! PLAGG CLAWS OUT!" I yelled. "Wait but I-" Plagg said as he got sucked into the ring. I leaped as fast as I could to her balcony. I landed on her balcony but she was already there. Her mind was up in space so I'm guessing she didn't see me. She looked amazing. Her messy blue hair, little freckles on her cheeks and nose, her bluebell eyes, even the bags under her eyes looked beautiful on her. I could just get lost in her eyes forever. "H-hey p-Princess." She looked over at me. A smile appeared on her soft pink lips. She beautiful eyes were red. She had been crying. I can't stand to think about all the pain I've caused her. Now that I know how she feels I might actually like her, more than just a friend.


Ok Ik I'm writing this story and all but like THIS BIPOLAR BITCH!!! Not me get mad at myself for writing it like this 😭😂🤚🏽 but it keeps the story going. Istg he can't make up his damn mind. Anyways Ik I left you on a cliffhanger but I really hope you liked this chapter. I was actually watching MLB while writing this

Words: 921

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