Chapter 11

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This time we barely had to drive very far. We parked all the vehicles in hidden locations and that's when we all gathered around inside some bushes. "Can I be real and say I didn't think we were going to make it this far?" Mugman asked. "Oh hush! We came this far because we're a team! Now listen, we've got to get into that building no matter what we do. So what's the plan?" Cuphead said to the group. "Has anyone ever been inside the place before?" I asked surprised. "Well I've been in once before, but I haven't ever been up in the main room where everything supposedly is." Bendy replied. "Ok! We can figure it out from there! Where did you enter from last time?" I asked. "Well, last time me and my dad entered this place, we entered from the doors right over there. If I just say I'm here cause my dad sent me, we might have a better chance." he told us.

"Great! Does anyone know where the vents or shafts are?" "I think there's one over on that wall over there. We can sneak in through there!" Link replied. "Would anyone be willing to climb onto the top? If we need a surprise attack, we're going to need others to be ready!" I told them. "I'll go to the top with some of the others, we'll listen out for your signal!" Donkey Kong told me, the rest of his family cheering silently. "Here's what I'm thinking. Bendy, you will take me and say I was a disruptive character that needs their code fixed due to a glitch. My fast, small, and tech players, I'm going to need you guys to go through the vents and shafts to try to find the hard drive. Monika, you're the only one who's got coding on their system, you'll have to go there with some of them. There you'll have to try to break it. We'll come eventually, but we'll need to divert all attention to us. Those with the muscle, I'm going to need you guys to stop any enemies that might hinder our mission. In the end, we destroy their main hardware and it'll shut down completely. If there's any trouble, we're going to have to fight. Any questions?"

Looking around, I saw that everyone seemed to be on board. "Before we do anything else... I just want you guys to know that I was proud to meet you guys. Whatever happens next, it's all a mystery. But we didn't come here to quit. I know I didn't come to quit on my family. We have each other and if we keep our eyes on the finish line, we can defeat whoever this guy is. Even if I had to chance to leave right now, I won't go anywhere without helping you. So let's go kick some code master butt!" I told them happily.

Everyone silently cheered for this challenge. We were ready.

Bendy helped to slap some fake restraint cuffs that I could get free from just in case, so I could be like a real prisoner. Before we made our move, we watched as Tails, Cream, a groups of Chaos, smaller Pokemon, and some smaller animals made their way into all sorts of vents and shafts. I watched as Among Us characters hop into other small holes and I knew they were making their way around. "You ready to head out?" I asked Bendy who seemed to be thinking to himself. "Yeah... I think so. I just hope I don't mess this up." he replied worriedly. "You're going to do great! Just act casual. Even if you do mess up, we'll be ok." I reassured. He smiled and we looked at the rest of the army to see if they were ready for us to head out.

"We're going to head out now. Be prepared to storm the castle if we need help. Everything is up to us now. This for your freedom, for your home, for your families, and for future characters that might enter this world. I know I'm not leaving until we defeat this guy. So if you're going to be a chicken, now would be the time to ditch us. Otherwise, don't back down when you face the enemy. Let's head out Bend!" I told them before I began walking with him. "Wait!" we heard a voice say. Both of us looked behind to see Cuphead walk up to Bendy with a look on his face. "W-What's wrong?" Bendy asked. "Look, I know we're about to risk our lives right now and this isn't exactly the best time to do this. But if I don't do anything now, I'll regret it later. Bendy, this is more than illegal in our world, but, we're fighting to get our freedom back. Since you know I'm not good with words, I'm just going to show you how I feel!" he explained.

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