Chapter 13

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I was scared about what he was thinking about doing so all I could do was return to the mainframe and see if I could help to protect Monika from being disrupted. The bomb worked because we heard our friends banging on the doors of the room we were in. "Come guys! Put some muscle into it!" I heard someone shout. "I've got this!" I heard a feminine said. With two more thuds, the door came down. "Told ya I had it sugar!" I heard Rouge say cheerfully. "Rouge!" I smiled. She winked playfully at me as the others came bursting through the doors. That's when all their attention turned to the Code Master himself, and he wasn't exactly happy about them busting down his chambers. "So this is your Revolution Army? Ha! Child's play!" he gawked, throwing his head back in disbelief. "You talk big game! Let's see if you can do what you say you can!" Knuckles taunted and lunged right at him. Others joined his side, weapons at the ready.

The Code Master didn't know what hit him in my opinion. "No matter what you might do now, it won't matter. You'll be defeated in a heartbeat!" he snarled before sending blasts right at them. "I control everything. You're no match for me!" He sent various enemies, robots, and pests right in their directions hoping they'd slow them down. "Ha! You thought you could a-stop us easily?" Mario chuckled. Quickly as his legs would let him, he hopped off the ground and jumped on top of a Goomba before kept running. Sonic, Shadow, and Silver did spin dashes into robots that got in their path. "Ha! That all you got?" Sonic boasted as they recovered from spinning a whole bunch. "Are kidding? I'm just getting warmed up!" Code Master roared summoning lightning bolts out of nowhere.

"Pika-chu!" Pikachu cried out, controlling the lightning coming their way. "Pika Pika!" he cried out again, sending all the shock waves right back. "OW!"

Pikachu is a feisty one that's for sure! "Nice one! Have my back! I'm gonna try to short circuit his programs!" I shouted to him. "Pika!" he shouted. I grabbed a water bottle and headed to the Code Master who was taking out other characters that were distracting him. "AGH! You're all traitors to this world! What do I have to do to get rid of all the mistakes in this world!" he growled sending these weird waves across the room. Both of us fell to the ground before getting up. "Distract him long enough, I'll be quick!" I reassured. Pikachu quickly dashed up to the Code Master who was prepared to attack. "You stupid rodent!" he growled and sent another lightning blast. "Pika!" They fought bravely and made sure his whole focus was on him.

I began to unscrew the water bottle and looked over at the tall guy who fought everyone in the room. That's when I threw the water on him, which made him glitch out, and he fell to the ground. "Yes!" I cheered. "Agh! Water! I can't believe it!" he shouted angrily. This gave the others the advantage of the situation.

Everything was set in line, I knew Monika and Tails could handle the motherboard and fry it for good. We battled this awful guy that kept trying to shoot us with his weird tech magic. Only a few of us fell down in the heat of battle. However, I noticed that it looked like Monika was struggling with whatever she was doing. "Hey dude, you need help?" I asked. "It's just that- I can't keep this up for much longer! Ripping this system apart is not as easy as it looks! I thought I could break it with my manipulation codes, but that backfired horribly!" she explained. "And what does that mean for us right now?" I asked panicked. "If I keep it up at the rate that I'm going, it might dissolve my entire code! You'd all be vulnerable!" she replied. I couldn't do that to her! "Hang on, I'll be right back!" I reassured.

There wasn't much time left so I hopped up on another broken part of the tower and looked around. I saw the Code Master was blind-sighted to where a weapon was laying out in the middle of the battle. I jumped over a few opponents, dodged missiles that were coming my way, and slid over to grab the weapon. It was a freeze gun and fired it right at the Code Master himself. Thank goodness I caught him by surprise. He turned his attention to me and I watched as his arms started to freeze up. "You little brat!" he snapped. He sent a chain of binary codes my way and I moved to get out of its way. Nothing much changed for him, but he slowed down on his attacks.

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