Special Family Fun Time

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Ugh it has been wayyyyy too long since I posted! I missed y'all and am so glad I finally found time to write again. Here's 2452 words of fluff with slight angst to make up for it.

I've been thinking about if I should write more after SWWL is over. I loved writing Let the Past Die, a one shot I wrote back in February, and the world I created with that. I'm considering writing a string of one shots surrounding that world and the events that are mentioned in it, since I don't see myself being able to commit to another full on fic when this is over. What do you guys think?

I don't know about you guys, but I have been LIVING for the House of Gucci pictures that have been coming out almost daily. I just love the fashion and the cast is stellar, I'm so excited for November lol.

Today there were pictures dropped with his family in them, and I am frankly kind of surprised that some fan accounts on Instagram didn't crop out his son or try to cover his face, considering we all know how much Adam prioritizes his privacy. I like anyone else was kind of curious as to what his son looked like, but I feel like as fans it is important to respect the actor's wishes and remember that he's an actual person who is trying to protect his family from the public eye. What are your guys' thoughts?


Happy reading! Please vote and comment, as they always make my day!


The Solo house was quiet when Ben padded out into the kitchen, the early morning rays of sunlights poking through the curtains.

He stifled a yawn with the back of his hand, not wanting to wake up his sleeping wife and children, and grabbed the pot on the counter to start making some caf.

Tomorrow was the long awaited day that Ben and Rey would be shipped off to the big military base on Kaborrah with the rest of his family, which meant it was their last day as a family until the attacks were taken care of.

Hannah and Zander had been talked to a couple of times about having to stay with their grandparents for some time, but it didn't make it any less easier for their parents to temporarily leave them.

So, both Ben and Rey were determined to make their family day a very special one.

Ben took a large sip of his caf and sighed into the cup. Another force presence pricked the back of his mind, and he smiled slightly as he registered his beloved entering the room.

Things between him and Rey had been much better since they had properly communicated about his stress-caused nightmares and whether or not she was okay with the bond staying open. They were both sorry to have spent time distant and fighting, but they wasted no time in making up by loving each other.

While having the bond open made things better for both him and Rey, Ben was still having frequent nightmares. Rey did her best to help by cuddling and holding him afterwards, even going as far as to purchase him a stuffed punching bag to help him take his emotions out on. Her efforts were not lost on him, and Ben fell a little more in love with her because of how much she cared for him.

Rey wrapped both of her long arms around his torso, and nuzzled her face between his shoulder blades.

"You're up early."

He huffed a short laugh. "I'm always up early. Being Supreme Leader does that to you."

She poked him gently in the ribs. "You know what I mean. You're up earlier than usual."

"Well, someone has to make the special chocolate chip pancakes for family day." Ben turned around in her arms so that she was against his chest.

Rey smiled up at him. "You're such a good dad, Ben. It's no wonder why they both love you so much."

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