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Hey readers! This chapter is where things start to shake up!! I haven't been as motivated to write as I've been crazy addicted to AO3 for the past two months lol. Modern Reylo AUs have suddenly become my new favorite type of fan fiction. 😂😂

Speaking of fan fiction, I decided that I don't really like my other Reylo fic ideas I posted back a while ago in a chapter of Beyond the Stars. I found that they're not the most original, and haven't kept my interest in writing them. I'm hoping that some brilliant idea for a modern Reylo AU will come to me lol, but for now I'm happy with Saving What We Love.

Also, I'm supposed to be starting a new job soon, so I don't know how often I'll be able to post with that and school work. We'll see.

I can't wait to hear your feedback for this chapter!! Happy reading, Happy Halloween, and watch the new episode of The Mandalorian!!


Ben sat down on the edge of their bed and tugged on his boots. "You ready to leave soon, sweetheart?"

Rey replies from the bathroom. "I'm almost done."

The little Solo family was going to go over to Han and Leia's for lunch. Anakin, Padme, Luke, and Chewbacca would be there as well, and Ben and Rey had decided they would finally ask Luke if he knew anything about the woman with red hair in the holovid.

She stepped out wearing dark threadbare pants and a warm, yellow toned shirt. The top half of her hair was pulled back from her face while the rest flowed past her shoulders. Ben openly and unashamedly gawked at her, not realizing she was talking until he processed her mouth was moving.


"Huh, yeah?"

"I was speaking to you. Could you not hear me?"

"I'm sorry. Your beauty must have clogged my ears and made its way up to my brain because it was all I could process." A devilish smirk took over his face.

Rey blushed and gave him a chiding look.

"So, how are we going to go about this? Should we pull him aside and ask him privately?"

"No. Knowing Luke, he might deflect and shut it down. You saw how he reacted to the holovid, Rey. Something tells me this is personal, and he wants to keep it in despite possibly being crucial information that could end up being useful."

"What would you suggest then, oh master interrogator?" She said sarcastically as she leaned against the door frame and crossed her arms.

"Formerly being the best interrogator in the First Order, I guess you could call me that." Ben smirked again, getting a scoff and a scowl from her.

"I say we ask him publicly when we're with my parents and grandparents, because they might be curious too. They might be dealing with dreams as well, who knows? If we get some clarity then they might stop, and hopefully never happen again."

Rey crossed the room in a few short steps to stand in front of him. "I hope so too."

He smiled up at her and kissed her hand. A mischievous look came over Ben as he grabbed Rey and threw her down on the bed next to him. She giggled as he crawled over on top of her and kissed her needily, as if he'd been trapped in a desert and she was the oasis. His lips traveled down her neck, taking time to suck on the spot above her collarbone. Rey dragged her nails across his scalp to tug on his hair, causing Ben to moan loudly.

Then, it was as if her maternal instincts had kicked in, and she remembered their special little person.

"Ben, where's Zander?"

Saving What We Love- SEQUEL to Beyond the StarsWhere stories live. Discover now