Happy Valentines Day!

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RI: Happy Valentines Day, everybody! *smiles*

Providence: Yeah, whatever. Screw that. *glaring at a wall*

Coventry: *has a carnation in her hair* Don't be a grump, Luce. Be nice, it's Valentines Day!

Johnston: *annoyed* Woonsocket! Could you not!

Woonsocket: *throwing random roses everywhere* LOVE! HAPPINESS! JOY!

RI: Please calm down... Ugh, anyway have a nice day everyone! Be nice to people and stuff.

Coventry: Yeah. And don't bug them like Woonsocket. Have a nice day.

Admin: Happy Valentines Day everyone! I get to spend it travelling. In a car. To another state. Haha, forever alone! At least I have a bunch of ice cream.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2015 ⏰

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