Time For Le Chibi RI Short Story!

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Hallo! Decided to write about Chibi!RI. Because she was, according to an article, 'undisputedly the most independent and rebellious of the thirteen colonies.' She was a fun kid.

The young girl's hazel eyes were aflame
in anger. She stomped her foot for what felt like the millionth time. Her hair was loose, a dark brown, and she wore a light blue dress. The older kid, America, standing above her sighed. "Sal, I've told you. You need to be a state. All the others are." He gestured with one hand at the assorted colonies around the room. No, states now. She glared at him. "I won't! The constitution isn't right!" She knew it was close to her final days as a colony- she couldn't resist much longer. But she'd resist as long as she could. The child turned, and walked defiantly out of the room. One of the new states started to stand and go after her, but another grabbed the first's sleeve and held them back. Everyone watched her dissapear, dark hair behind her. America sighed and sat down, running a hand through his hair. "What the heck am I supposed to do with that one! Kid's a freaking pirate, pretty much. What with all the smuggling she does..."
Sally had finally got home. She seemed tired, and Newport and Providence were fighting in the back room. Providence heard her come in, and went to stand next to her. "Give it up, sis. You're going to have to become a state." Rhode Island stood and turned with a deadly look to her eyes. "I've told you, Lucy. I will not do it." The other girl smirked. "I'm seceding. And I'm not coming back until you give in." She ran out the door. RI glared after her, but in the back of her mind she had an inkling that Providence meant business.
She stayed at home a day or so, thinking. The young girl eventually gave it up. The knock on America's door came in the evening, as it was turning dark. He opened the door to see her there. The anger was replaced by a hollow sense of giving up. "I've given in."

A/N- I'm proud! I wrote it! Yay!

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