Well, Admin Did Her Research Part 1 (Providence)

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Providence: Admin looked me up. And apparently she had no idea how fricking awesome I am!

I'm known for my fine jewelry. That's why I have so many bracelets and necklaces and such. I like them! They're so pretty~

I'm really smart. Seven institutes of higher learning, losers. And eight hospitals-in one city. Because yeah.

I'm a good artist and singer. My city began a project to enhance arts, so I'm a good artist and such. My room is full of paintings and drawings.

I have immigrants from all over! Some I the most recent were the Irish, the reason for my red hair. I'm also part Lithuanian, Italian, and Polish!

From 1950 to 1980 I was basically a hotspot of organized crime. I was ruled by the mafia boss Raymond L.S Patriaraca, and I was basically his land. That's still a part of me, and so I have some violent tendencies~

Then I had a "Rennisance." My new governor cleaned out the city and uncovered some rivers- making me look healthier and prettier. I started putting my hair back in a braid as a symbol I the organization.

My economy is largely based on trade and education (another factor of how smart I am.) I've also got the second-deepest port in the New England Area! Hooray for me~ Hasbro also does some stuff around there! And most of my people are employed in the hospital.

I do support gay rights. I mean, one of my governors was openly gay, so that influenced me. I was the first big city to have an openly gay governor until Portland, Oregon stole my thunder.

I have a good education system! I have Brown University, which a TON of people go to. And my public schools are great.

I have an accent. It's small and so big sister and I hide it most of the time. If we get distracted while talking we start pronouncing hard as hahrd and butter as buhter. Don't judge..

And last but not least, I have five sister cities. Florence, Spain. Guatemala City, Guatemala. Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Riga, Latvia. And Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

All in all, I'm awesome. And Admin didn't type my accent in this for some reason... Grr.

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