Who Put A Salamander In The Ranch Dressing?!

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RI: Will someone explain the salamander in the ranch dressing? Because I am trying to feed you. With food. And someone put a salamander in the ranch dressing.

Charleston: Hey, for once it wasn't me or Alena! I swear, I don't even have a salamander! But... Kudos to whoever did it.

Coventry: I agree! Kudos. Kudos to you.

Providence: I don't think so... I'm way more original than that. I AM the creative capital, after all. *crosses arms*

Newport: Salamanders are freakin weird. Not touching that ranch dressing.

RI: Anyone else?

Johnston: *slowly raises hand* It was me!

RI: You're grounded. And also, you're in charge of getting that thing out of the salad.

Johnston: AWW BUT-

RI: Naw. Go upstairs or I'll sic Lucy on you.


Admin: Wow. That's... Nice.

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