Why RI And Providence AreThe Only Ones Allowed In The Kitchen

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Coventry: I'm gonna make dinner!

RI: Are you sur-

Coventry: Sure I'm sure!

Providence: Good luck, Alena.

Coventry: *drops pan* *burns hand on stove* *spills coffee milk* *trips on pan* *falls over* Oops? .....Maybe you should cook.

North Providence: I'll cook! *is unable to reach anything*

Providence: Why don't we jus-

N/S Greenwich: WE'LL COOK! *keep bumping into each other* *tripping each other* *failing* Oops....

Newport: Ok, ok. All of you out. *cleans kitchen* *leaves*

Providence: *makes best coffee milk ever*

RI: *makes awesome Italian food* Ok. Dinner is ready. Hopefully everyone learned why only Lucy and I are allowed to cook. *eats food*

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