Lets Take a Walk

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Barrys POV
"Hey wanna go for a walk. It's like 65 degrees outside, super nice." Caitlin asks me while I sit on the couch.

The last few days haven't been the best. Two major metas got away and I've been sitting watching movies on the couch since. I used to be able to catch them so quickly but when I don't I feel like crap.

I grunt in response and she shakes her head.

"Barry you need to get out of here."

"Why?" My face is still glued to the tv.

"Because, Barry. You are the Flash. You are this city's protecter and who cares if you mess up. Everyone makes mistakes, people can't expect you to be perfect all the time. But wallowing on the couch all day won't help. I love you Barry and I want you to feel better." Caitlin gives me her soppy speech and I continue to shove chips in my mouth.

But as I think more about it. I am in need for some fresh air and maybe if I just take one walk with Cait she'll let me go back to my tv.

"65 degrees you said?" After I spoke she grins widely.

"Perfect weather. Not let's go." She take my arm and lifts me up from the couch and leads me outside.

As the crisp air hits my skin I feel much better. We start to walk along the trial that went through the woods behind our apartment.

"Isn't this nice Barr?" Cait asks me.

"It really is. Thank you and I'm sorry for being a jerk."

"You weren't being a jerk. I know your going through things and I just want you to know I'm here." She kissed my lips quickly and softly.

"I love you Caitlin"

"I love you too Barry." We kiss again but are interrupted by a man who grabs Caitlin.

"Barry!!" She shouts.

I search for where the man went but couldn't find him or Caitlin anywhere.

"Caitlin!!" I call for her. Hearing the crunch of leaves behind me I turn around.

"You." I see the man and quickly use my speed to punch him. But he dodged it.

"Nice try Flash." He taunts.

"Give her back." I demand.

"Not until you catch me." He says while my eyes continue to search for a sign of Cait. Well I found one. Right behind the man there she stood with a log in her hands.

"Get away from my boyfriend!" She shouted and whacked the man over the head. Not seeing it coming, he fails to dodge it and gets knocked down.

"That's my girl." I say and immediately run to hug her.

I kiss her again and again.

"I love you too Barr, but we have to get him to Star." She laughs.

"Your right."


"Well that was an eventful afternoon" Caitlin laughs while she takes another bite of the pizza in front of her.

"It was. But you know who the real hero was." I ask.


"You." I smile and kiss her long. She smiles and leads me to the couch.

"I know I said that you should get up from the couch but I'm in the mood for a musical." She smirks.

"You know me so well." I say turning on the tv.

Unfortunately we didn't see much of it because we had other things to do. (Wink, wink) 😉

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