Chocolate Chip Pancakes

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Barrys POV
Work was awful. I couldn't focus all day and whenever I could there was always some crime in the city that the Flash needing to handle. I had so many stacks of work to get through but only finished one. I would have finished the rest if it wasn't for Julian in the lab.

I walk up to the door of my apartment ready to crash onto my bed and try to take my mind off of everything. Taking the keys and turning the door handle, I am surprised with the smell of food tickling my senses.

"Good evening Barr." Cait greets me by the door holding a stack of her homemade chocolate chip pancakes.

Without a word I wrap her into the biggest hug.

"You okay?" She asks when I pull away.

"I am now. You don't know how much I needed this. I love you."

"I love you too. Now let's eat." Caitlin grab the syrup from the fridge and we sit at our two seated table that's was just perfect for us.

"Wanna talk about what happened today?" She asks me.

"I'd rather not. I don't want to ruin this moment." She smiles at me while I continue to shove my face with pancakes. Caitlin made lots knowing that I usually come home very hungry and having super speed metabolism adds the that by a lot.

"I'll make some popcorn if you want to watch a movie tonight." Caitlin suggest and I nod. Once we finish the pancakes I quickly wash the dishes and get to the couch where Caitlin is rummaging through all the movies we have in a bin by the tv.

"So we have..... Grease, Indiana Jones, Over the Top, Grease 2, Rocky's 1,2,3,4 and 5.." she keeps on listing them.

"Grease?" I ask stopping her in her tracks.

"Sounds perfect." She opens the movie case and places it into the DVD player.


Caitlin POV
I feel so bad for Barry. No one should have to go through so much stress everyday. But I know he can do it. He's strong.

The movie was about to end and I was singing the last song when I look to my left to see Barry had falling asleep while resting on my shoulder. I move his head to my lap and softly runny hands through he hair, mindlessly singing out of tune but happily. Placing a kiss on his head I continue to sing along.

"We go together, Like rama lama lama ka dinga da dinga dong.
Remembered forever, As shoo-bop sha wadda wadda yippity boom de boom
Chang chang changitty chang sha-bop
That's the way it should be
Wah-oooh, yeah
We're one of a kind
Like dip da-dip da-dip doo-wop da doo-bee doo." I whisper so I don't wake him up. But I did sing the words right I him. We do go together and we are definitely one a kind. Who knew I'd be so in love with a the one and only Barry Allen.

"I love you so much Barr." I place another kiss to his head.

Soon my eyes start to feel heavy and I let the darkness consume me and fall asleep to the sounds of the last words to the song.

3rd Person
The two were a sight to see. If anyone would have seen them that night they would automatically know that these two were made for each other. Barry and Caitlin knew it too, because they are equally head over heels for each toner and madly in love. No one could ever take that away from them.

Sorry these have been so short I'll work on making them longer next time!

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