With These Friends Part 2

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3rd Person at the Diner
"So whatcha getting Barr." Caitlin asks him. Her arm linked in his as they say next to Oliver and Felicity. Iris, Eddie, Cisco, and Layla sat across from them.

"Burger, fries, and probably a milkshake. You?" Asks Barry, his stomach growls from hunger.

"Same." Caitlin rests her head on his shoulder while the other decide what to eat. "You too are so cute!" Iris squeals as she snaps a picture of the couple. "Iris!" Barrys cheeks glow red but thankfully Felicity chimes in. "Before we eat we should play a game." She suggests.

"What's kind of game?" Barry tilting his head and his eyebrow raises. Felicity was a wild one and whatever game she brought up would be too.

"It's nothing bad." She playfully rolls her eyes at Barry. "Truth or Dare." Mixed reactions caused Felicity's smile to grow.

"So are we going to play it or not?" She questions and they all shake their heads yes. "Perfect." The menacing look on her face showed that it would be something no one would forget.

"Since I brought up the game I'll go first so, Eddie Truth or Dare?"

"Dare." He was quick to answer surprising Iris.

"I dare you to order the fish." Gasps fill the air once Felicity finished the word.

Eddie sat there in shock. He didn't know what to say. The fish at this place was the worst thing that anyone of them had eaten in there entire lives. Basically the whole city knew not to order that fish. And since no one has gotten it in so long it could be years old and no one would have a clue.

"You are evil." Eddie mumbles grabbing the menu to try and locate his order. Felicity grins. Truth or Dare came to a pause when the waitress came up to the table. The woman's short curled hair bounced as she happily walked up to the group of teenagers. Caitlin could tell that she was close to their age.

"Hi my name is Mavis and I'll be your Waitress today. What can I get for y'all?" Her kind and sweet southern accent was welcoming to the group as they smiled and started to order.

"The number one please with ketchup." Barry looked up from his menu, as Mavis wrote fast on her notepad.

"I will also have the number one. Extra ketchup!" Caitlin laughed while Barry took her with one arm and pulled her closer to him sharing the laugh.

"Number 2 no pickles." Layla said but Cisco wasn't quite ready to order yet. He has his head in a word search from a kids menu no one knows how he got. "Cisco!" She caught him off guard as he fumbled to hide the children's sheet. "He'll just have the same but with pickles." Mavis smiles at their closeness, moving on to the next couple waiting to take their order.

"And for you?" Mavis makes her way to Eddie. "I- I um.... I'll have t-the..." Everyone patiently waited to hear him say it. "I'll have the fish." Eddie then lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Mavis looked confused, "Can you repeat that Sir? I don't think I heard you right." Eddie sighs and repeats his statement, "I'll have the fish. Yes, the fish." He mentally face palms himself when he sees Felicity try and hold back her laughter.

"Ok then. What would you like ma'am?" She asks Iris and continues to go around the table until everyone has ordered. "Alrighty y'all that should be out soon does anyone want anything to drink besides water?"

"I'll take a coke" Barry and Caitlin say together.

"You got it. Anybody else?" The rest of the group orders cokes making it easier for Mavis to remember. Once she walked away they all had to laugh at Eddie.

About 30 minutes later the food arrived and everyone had a great laugh when eddies fish had arrived.

"That looks.." Caitlin stared at the grey looking blob placed in front of Eddie. "Appetizing." Eddies eyes are stuck like glue to the 'food' he has been dared to eat. "Good thing I had a snack before we came." He gulped sending the nervousness down his throat.

"Eat it" Felicity spoke.

The smell alone made Eddie's eyes burn and his throat tingle. Slowing picking up his fork he stuck it into the mushy mess. Raising it up to his mouth he quickly shoved in the bite.


He took two bites. The taste was rancid.


Eddie painfully swallowed and he throat began to burn. "WATER!" He whined as Caitlin passed him a cup. Barry began to slow clap when Eddie chugged his drink.

"I hate you all" Eddie pouted, silently chuckled underneath his breath.

"Here babe." Iris handed him half of her burger and some fries.

And that's how their night ended the couples went their separate ways after the eventful meal that had. Barry and Caitlin went to Caitlins house and sat on her porch. The stars glistened against the cold dark sky. Cait sat cuddled upon Barry on the rocking bench.

"Today was fun wasn't it?"

"So much fun." Barry kissed her forehead. The chill of the night caused Caitlin to shiver. "Frost not helping out?" Barry asks seeing her cold side show. "If she did I wouldn't need to use you for warmth." Caitlin smiled and Barry held her closer. The two watched the sky, rocking back and forth, listening to the sound of the nature while slowing closing their eyes.

"Love you Barry."

"Love you too Cait"

So...... yeah it's been a while. I have like no free time with school starting and I haven't been on here in a while but here you go! A long awaited sequel to the last chapter I posted! I hope you enjoyed! Also I'm working on better writing because I've realized how crappy my earlier writing was. Peace and love!

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