Only You

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Caitlins POV
"Thanks for doing this Barr." I say looking at what had been placed in front of me. A steak cooked to perfection with a side of vegetables and a baked potato.

"Anything for you." He kisses me and speeds over to the kitchen grabbing a bottle of red wine.

"I thought maybe we could use a break after all that's happened." He breaks eye contact and I give him a small smile.

"It's not your fault Barry. You are a hero and even hero's make mistakes. No one is perfect. But what matters is that you are perfect for me." He laughs and kisses my hand. Barry grabs the bottle of wine and pours it into each of our glasses.

"It looks amazing Barry. Since when did you learn how to cook this good?"

"Well I talked to Joe and he gave me a few tips." I smile and we start to eat.

As the evening goes on we talk about the little things. We stray away from our crime fighting life and just resort to normal conversation. But in true fashion all of this comes to a halt. The ground starts to shake and I yelp as the wine glass shatters on the floor. Barry quickly runs us out of his apartment and we see what's going on.

"I'm so sorry." He apologizes.

"It's okay Barry. Now go. Be careful!" I say and he speeds away.

I call Cisco too see if he is at star labs. Once he answers I tell him what is going on he says he's got it covered. Walking along the street I decide I should go help.

When I walk through the elevator door I see Cisco and Barry with smiles on their faces.

"Barry!" I shout.

He runs up to me and I give him a big hug and kisses his forehead.

"I'm glad you're okay." I kiss him once more.

"I'm fine Cait. We got it all covered now let's get back to our date." He picks me up bridal style and runs me back to his place.

"Excuse me ma'am." Barry walks over to the kitchen. I take my seat back and the table and wait patiently. The beats of an old song ripple through the air as a gust of wind blows the hair out of my face.

"Shall we?" Barry puts out his hand waiting for a response.

"We shall." I take his hand and we begin to dance.

"Only you, can make all this world seem right.
Only you, can make the darkness bright.
Only you and you alone can thrill me like you do
And fill my heart with love for only you."

I begin to hum along to the song as it is a favorite of mine.

"When you hold my hand, I understand the magic that you do. You're my dream come true, my one and only you." Barry sings. His voice sounded so smooth and elegant. It felt as if he was singing straight from the heart. And I believe he was.

"Barry that was-" Without finishing my sentence I pull his face in and kiss him. He deepens the kiss and I pull back and smile.

"I love you Caitlin Snow."

"I love you too Barry Allen. You are my one and only you."

Song: Only you by The Platters

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