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I would like to thank several people.

MOM AND DAD: Thanks for making me hecka awesome. Without you guys, I wouldn't be here being awesome and making this story. So thx guys. You guys duh real MVP

KAYLA: Kuh-4-luh/K-Shizzle u also deh reel MVP. Ty 4 being my #1 fan (like in AAoOD2). And for writing that one chapter, but lets not talk about that kay? Kay. Holla @ u. Ily

CLAIRE: Thx 4 being duh most supportive step-wifey evah!!!!! Ily claybae <55555555 (mor den carl poppa and the bae and the bae bae and u kno who ((((; )

LEO AND MIDNIGHT: My cats. U guise r deh bestes fans in t world. Thx 4 being there for me.

MY FANS: Thx 4 reeding dis. U a bunch of bebz and bbys. Ily all



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