Part 2

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A/N: okay so here's the next part. It gets worse, but whatever. ENJOYYYY!!!!! It is now in Louis POV from now on.


So once i kicked Harry, I left and went back to my sisters. They werent at the swing anymore.

Lou: " Where tf r they?"

I sighed (in british) and walked home. When i walked to the proch, there they were.

Daisy: "Doors locked Lewis"

So i pushed her down the porch steps and unlocked the door and walked in. No one calls me Lewis. Hmphhhh, smh.

Pheobe: "So bubare, who wus dat man who was holding ur hend & talkin bout ur eyes?"
Lou: "Wot"
Daisy: "LEWIS!!! Y'd u poosh meh down teh stares sad face"
Lou: "I h8 every1"

I walked to my room and decided to take a nap.


Haz: "Lewis, iz dat u"
Lou: "u r????????"
Haz: "Its meh. Hairy Stiles. U kiked meh ded bodee"

I groaned and rolled my eyes. Why is everyone calling me Lewis? Like tf. Im LOU-EH!! LOU-EH. Ffs people. Sigh.

*****NOT DREAM*****

Then I woke up and I smelled smoke. My house is on fire. I looked out my window and saw Pheobe and Daisy outside in the yard. I heard Daisy yell.

Daisy: "Dats wut u get 4 pooshing meh down teh starez......... LEWIS"



A/N: Wooooh part 2 is done. Hope you enjoyed. Oh who am i kidding. You probably didnt. Sigh. Oh well.

What did the mother say to his son who peed his pants?
Urine trouble.

Lolololol get it? You're in trouble. Whoo. This joke gets me every dang time.
Anyways byeeeeee *Troye Sivan wink*


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