Part 46

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Haz: "ur betr den ani BEZT SONG EVR. DUNT 4GET WARE U BEELUNG, wich iz in muh armz btw"

Pengy: "awh cyoot wtf"

Haz: "yeh eye kno"

Pengy: "Y dunt u du dis 2 mii Esh?"

Kanga: "oi m8, stahp interupteeng Haz, m8"

Pengy: "R00D butt gurl dawg"

Haz: "okai well....."

Ele: "pls cuntinu"

Haz: "Remembr dat park wher U & I mett? Well Y DUNT WII GU DERE?"

Lou: "bc we'r ded tf"

Haz: "WEL eYE GESS WII Cant bc we'r nowt UHLYVE n-e-mor"

Ele: "tru"

Haz: "If u wer 2 tel mii sum LIL WITE LYS id b HAF A HART"

Pup: "dat maiks nu sense"

Kit: "stfu col"

Ele: "yeh col"

Pengy: "yeh col"

Kanga: "yeh col"

Lou: "yeh col"

Haz: "yeh col"


Word Count: 107

im excited for this to be fully updated to wattpad

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