Part 9

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A/N: HELLLOOOOOOO (: Wow we're at part 9 already. *wipes tears* I remember when I wrote this in my history class. Such fun times man. Anyways on to the story.


I looked up and saw the one & only lady-man thing that mugged Hairy. Anger overcame me and I took out a carrot.

Lou: "U frick boi/laidee thang"

I went over to he/her/it and slapped "it" wit me carrot. "It" hit it out of my hand & started yelling @ me.

M/L/T: "How dair u heet mii, u pooh!!"

Haz: "Durnt call me bebz a pooh!"

Lou: "Haz bby, pls stfu. I got dis"

Haz: "Soz bebz"

M/L/T: "u feg"

I dont know what overcame me but I took out a carrot nd stabbed it.

Lou: "Dunt call me bby a feg, u hohoho"

When I finished stabbing the man lady thing (with my carrot) I kicked her/him/it and walked to Haz. He kissed me quickly (A/N: u welcome) and then started hugging me tightly and muttering things I couldnt understand. I patted his back awkwardly.

Lou: "u okei, Haz?"

Haz: "TYSM bebz"

Lou: "np, bby"

Again, I felt something hit the back of muh hed. I looked down and saw the Torah. (A/N: Im running out of holy scripture book thingys sjkhgfjdf) WHERE TF ARE THESE THINGS COMING FROM?!? I saw Hairyyy looking over my shoulder and he looked hecka pale.


A/N: Wooooooooooooooooooooooh! part 9! I typed this to Drag Me Down (by One Direction) ((BUY IT ON ITUNES) No but like can we talk about how they friggin released the single at 1am???????? I stayed up til like 5am bc i was too excited to sleep but oh well. Anywaysssssssssssss i think its time for the joke!!!!

Why did the elephant cross the road?????

Because it was the chickens day off.

lololololololol get it???

Usually the chicken has to cross the road but since it was his day off, the elephant did it for him.




P.S. speaking of Troye Sivan wink i cant waIT TIL HIS ALBUM COMESOUT

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