Part 4

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A/N: wooooh part 4. Lets get to it shall we? Enjoyyyyyy


Haz: "Y band ur hed on teh floor when u ken bang ur hed on me"
Lou: "wot....."
Haz: "Nvm bebz"

I opened my mouth to say something, but decided against it. I hate my.... life? Is that what it would be considered? Oh well. Then Harry started singing. (In the tune of Good Girls)

Haz: "Do do do do do do do me Lou-eh"

I cringed and threw a carrot at him.

Haz: "Where'd u get a kerrot babz?"
Lou: "I carry a pack of kerrets around bc I luv kerrets."
Haz: "Dunt u luv meh moreee??"
Lou: "Eh."

He looked really sad and then he started crying while eating the carrot and mumbling nonsense. I threw another carrot at him. Out of the sudden he turned into a bunny.

Lou: "Awhhh u look cyooot bby"

Harry then turned back into himself and he was pouting.

Haz: "Su I had 2 turn into a bunnee just su u culd call meh cyoot? Ur a bleeeeeeeeep"
Lou: "Ur su annoying ffs"

Harry tackled me and started kissing all over my face. I heard fireworks and when I looked, there was rainbow fireworks going off. Harry started to disappear. Before be finally left completely, he whispered something.

Haz: "I luh u 5eva bebz"


A/N: wooh. Hope you enjoyed that. Got a little steamy at the end huh? Yeahhhh. Tons of stuff happened. It was intense *wipes forehead*
Anyways... JOKE TIMEEEE!!!&

What did Tennessee?
The same thing Arkansas.

Lolololol get it? It's a seeing joke.
Michael Clifford said this to me in a dream and i woke up laughing really hard. I mean it wasn't that funny, but still.
Anyways. ByEEEeeeeEEEe *Troye Sivan wink*


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