Chapter 2

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It took 3 hours to get to Clear Water Creek which is where they went camping. It was 4 O'clock when we left, and now it was 6. There was a huge traffic jam halfway there and Jessica would not stop whining. 
"We're not gonna be able to go tubing!!" She groaned. 
"Dude, chill out." I said. 
"That means we're gonna have to go to bed right when we get there." She groaned some more, but then smiled quickly at me and Joey. I looked at Joe and he smiled. We weren't actually going to bed! Ha! The older ones- me Jess, Joey and Logan (a guy our age who camped across the street from us)- would be staying up to play truth or dare. Can't wait!! I thought. 
At 8 we still were stuck in the traffic jam. And we still had an hour to go. 
"I'm boreddd." I said laying my head on Joe's shoulder. He looked at me and smiled. 
"Wanna listen to my iPod with me, little lady?" he made it sound formal, which made me laugh. 
"Why yes, good sir." he laughed and handed me an earbud. We started off listening to Lady GaGa, and eventually wound our way to Train, when we took a pit stop to go to the bathroom. Me and Joey didn't have to go but everyone else got off. We just sat there calmly, my head on his shoulder.
"Forever could never be long enough for feel like I've had long enough with you..." Joe sang. I sat up and looked at him, "Marry me, today and every day..." My heart started punding in my chest. 
"Oh shoot." i mumbled. Joey looked at me funny. 
"Whats wrong, Al?" I laughed, and he smiled. 
"Nothing, everything's's just..did you know thats my wedding song?" I asked laying down again. 
"No, I did not, it's my wedding song ha." I laughed. 
"OH kay." I rolled my eyes. 
"No seriously it's my favorite song by far. Would you like me to be your wedding singer?" He said it so seriously that I laughed again. He smiled. Then everyone else got back in the car. 
"Five more minutes." Jessica's mom said. 
"YAYYYYY!!" Jess screamed. Me and Joe laughed.

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