Chapter 8 Oh No

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Joey didn't really talk for the rest of the night. He was like this the time we almost kissed last. I wondered if he realized he kissed me not the other way around.. 
The next day Ben, Jessica, and I went to see New Years Eve. We invited Matt..but he was busy. I was beginning to think I was the only one contributing to the relationship. We went at around 4:30, so we got back at around 7. The movie was good. But made me miss Matt..or Joey.. 
Ben and Jessica's dad picked us up, which was weird because Joe was supposed to pick us up. 
"Where's Joe?" Ben asked. 
"Oh he's hanging out with Lelina." their dad replied non-chalantly. I almost gasped. Were they hanging out in an i-like-you-but-im-scared-to-tell-you way or a we've-been-friends-forever, kind of way.? On the way home this clouded my mind. 
At 8 Jess' mom and dad left to go to dinner and a movie. Joe wasn't home yet, so we invited Matt over. 
"Yeah!" he said, "I'll be there in a few." Tony was at his friends so it was just me Jess and Ben. 
"Why do you like him?" Ben asked. 
"What?" I replied. 
"Alley its obvious he has a thing for whats her face!" He said. 
"Ben!!" Jessica said. I looked down. Maybe it was true.. 
But then he knocked on the door, when I opened it and saw his green eyes all thoughts of her left my mind. I immediately reached up to kiss him. 
"Heelllo to you too." he smiled. I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the couch. Ben glared at him and left the room. We turned on a dumb reality tv show and Matt and I cuddled while Jessica became engulfed in the show's drama. 
"Matt?" I whispered to him. 
"Yeah, babe?" he asked. 
"Do you like olivia?" He sighed, frustrated and stood up. 
"Why do you always ask that?? Why are you so suspicious?! Do you think I'm not faithful?? Just because I hang out with her a lot?!? God Alley!! I think your jealous!! Jealous I spend so much time with her! I can't handle the suspision anymore, Al. I need a break!" He stormed out the door and I just crumpled to the floor. 
"Oh Alley!" Jessica said. She came over and hugged me while I began to cry. Then Joey came in, smiling. When he saw me crying he high tailed it to be next to me. 
"What happened??" He said to Jessica. 
"Matt..kind of.." she said. I felt his hand on my arm. 
"Its okay Alley..he's a jerk.." it didn't matter what he said. What Matt did, still stung. I fell asleep at 9. 
When I woke up Jessica was right next to me just looking at me. 
"Hi sleepy head." she said softly. I stretched. 
"Hiii." I croaked. 
"Ben and Joe want to play soccer after lunch, do you want to?.." she asked. I glanced at the clock. 
"What time is it?" i said, confused. 
"Its 12 oclock, hun." she said pushing hair out of my face. Jessica was just like a mom, and the same time. 
"Alright then." I said. I got up and got in the shower. Then we all ate lunch and headed to the field. Nobody talked about Matt, and I was really happy about it, despite the tension glooming over our heads, we were having a good day. Then we were almost in the field when Jessica gasped. 
"Oh no." she said," Oh NO!" 
"Wha-" Joey said. I raced ahead to see what was wrong when I saw them. Olivia and Matt where leaning against the tree. Matt was just pulling away from a kiss. 
"That wh00ree!!!!!" I screamed. 
"Oh my god.." Joey said. I marched to where they were standing my peeps close behind me. 
"Words cannot describe what I'm feeling right now Matt! I cannot believe this! Her?? Really?" Matt stuttered. 
"I-I'm so sorry babe, oh my God I love you.." 
"No, no you don't Matt. Don't lie anynore.." I backed a step away. Olivia just glare at me. 
"What's weong with you??" Jessica yelled at Olivia. Olivia glared at Jessica too and walked away. 
"Oh my God Alley I am SO sorry please don't-" Joe decked him in the face. 
"What the fvck, bro?" Matt regained his balance and swung at Joe. But Joe ducked and kicked him in the stomach. All of the sudden a soccer ball hit the side of his head. I looked over to see Ben grinning. 
"Smart move." Joe said. Matt was lying on the ground now. 
"Nothing can take back what you just did." I said. Then we left the field.

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