Chapter 6 The Boyfriend Factor (Yep Yur Gonna Hate Me)

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~~~ Okay, theres a tiny small detail, I forgot to tell you... Alley already has a boyfriend named Matt...but it would've ruined the story but now its revealed..enjoy!~~~ 

After dinner Jessica and I went on a walk to get my boyfriend Matt. We'd been dating for seven months...and to think that I had enjoyed cheating on him made me sick to my stomach. 
He lived in Jessica's neighborhood and when we got to his house he was already outside. 
"Hey babe!" He called running up and kissing me. 
"Hey, miss me much?" I replied smiling, despite the fact Joey was totally hot, I did love Matt. 
"Just a lot." He said grinning back and taking my hand. Jessica who had looked bored the whole time sighed. 
"Hi Mattie." she said. She kind of liked Matt, but wasn't so sure if he was right for me. 
"Hello killjoy." Matt said. He called her kill joy because we could hardly kiss in front of her. We walked hand in hand to the field behind the neighborhood where we always hung out. When we got there. We sat down in the middle by a huge tree that Joe Jessica and I used to climb. 
"So how was home away from home?" Matt asked me and Jessica. 
"Fun, except I missed you." I said. 
"Yeah we played truth or dare and went tubing and stuff..." Jessica said. I shot her a look of warning, not to talk about truth or dare. 
"Truth or dare,huh? Thats a dangerous game." He said smiling. 
"Tell me about it." I said, "Joey had to jump in the freezing cold water at 11:30 at night!" I started laughing just thinking about it. Matt clenched his jaw for a moment but then looked down at me to smile. I was laying my head in his lap and he was sitting cross legged. He always got jealous when I talked about Joey, so I hardly did. But he talked about Olivia A LOT. And he knew I didn't like her. 
"What'd you do?" I asked. He shrugged. 
"Played soccer with Liv," Here we go again I thought, "Went to the movies..with Liv and her brother.." 
"That's great." Jessica said glaring at him. I looked at her for the first time, since I'd been playing with Matt's fingers the whole time he was talking. 
She was staring off into space and probably thinking about how much it hurt me hearing him talk about Olivia like that. I felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. I sat up and he reached down and studied the screen smiling a little. 
"What is it?.." I said awkwardly. 
"I've gotta go home and uh, help my dad with some stuff. I'll see you later, babe." he said kissing my forehead. I frowned, knowing he was lying. He stood up and walked off. 
"I love you." I said softly. 
"I love you too, Al." He replied looking at me seriously. I glanced at Jessica and she gave me a little smirk. I guess I wasn't so sure of what he said, and I wasn't so sure if either of us were faithful.

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